General Information
Release 2.1.0 has been released on the 27th of December and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
New Customer Interface
This version introduces a new enhanced user interface in the Scan&Capture portlet to help you process transactions more efficiently. Please find highlights of the most important features in new UI:
- preview of PDF file
- easy filtering of records and storing your selection of filters
- clear overview of matched purchase orders
- clear overview of potential duplicates in the System Alert column
- changes in the overview are refreshed dynamically in the background - no need to refresh the page manually to get the current status of transactions
- easy navigation between records with the preference to open records in the new subtab in the browser
- inline editing for memo field
Detailed descriptions, tips & tricks of the new UI can be found here.
Example of default view of Incoming transactions when using new UI:
SC-652 Show clickable PDF on create vendor from Bill to Process screen
The clickable PDF functionality is introduced on the create a vendor screen when reaching via bill to process screen. When the split screen is visible during creating a vendor, then you can easily copy and paste values from PDF to the vendor form using clickable PDF (orange rectangles are visible when hovering over PDF).
SC-Duplicates Detection on the Incoming Transactions to be processed
This version introduces a control of duplicates feature. When enabled, then in the Incoming transactions to be processed will show a system alert in enhanced UI (Duplicated Incoming and/or Duplicated Transaction).
Details of duplicates detection can be found here.
SC-862 PDF Viewer Enhancements
Several improvements have been implemented on the PDF viewer visible in the split screen on the vendor bill. The toolbar has been introduced with the following functionalities:
- zoom in/out
- quick navigation to the previous/next/first/last page
- overview of number of pages
- download PDF
- print PDF
SC-1098 Support for Tax Codes, custom fields and segments on Default Vendor Bill Lines
The default vendor bill lines functionality has been extended to support Tax Codes and custom fields/segments. When creating default vendor bill lines, the tax code dropdown is now available on the main form. Moreover the section Additional Fields&Segments has been introduced, so custom fields and segments can be mapped via default vendor bill lines as well.
Please note that there is an additional permission required to create custom fields and segments on default vendor bill lines called S&C Default VB Lines Additional Value.
SC-1448 Handling of Purchase Order status changed in the Incoming transactions overview
The enhancement has been introduced for the field “Purchase Order Status” that is available in the Incoming transactions to be processed. So far the field was static and the status was set during PO matching only. This version contains dynamic changes of the status in case of manual match/unmatch of purchase order(s). Moreover the script has been implemented to handle changes done in the background on the POs, so users will have more accurate information about PO status.
SC-1562 Move parameters for portlet custom saved searches to S&C Main configuration
Parameters to customize the saved searched under Scan&Capture portlet have been moved to Scan & Capture Main Configuration record, subtab: S&C Portlet. With the new setup we make sure that all S&C-related settings are easily reachable. For existing accounts, the custom saved searches will be automatically migrated from old fields into a new configuration.
SC-1616 Support tax group on vendor bill lines
The support for tax groups on the vendor bill lines has been introduced (use case in Canada, where PST and GST are used). When populating tax codes on the vendor bill lines, Scan&Capture is now setting both tax rates associated with the tax group (PST and GST).
SC-1632 Logic for moving files between folders when vendor bill is deleted
The logic of moving files to the subsidiary dedicated file cabinet folders has been extended. The scenario when the created vendor bill is deleted has been covered. Therefore upon deletion, the PDF and associated files are moved back to the Main Configuration folder. The incoming transaction is ready to be processed again and the standard logic moving files will be applied again.
SC-1678 Enhance default saved search - processed this month
The default saved search Processed this month, which is part of Scan&Capture portlet has been extended with additional columns: Vendor, Generated Transaction, Generated Transaction - Date, PDF preview (visible when using new UI only).
SC-1720 Disable the split screen on NetSuite Mobile app by default
We introduced a setting that is used when users open vendor bills on NetSuite Mobile application. To avoid a situation the PDF viewer covers the vendor bill form because of the small screen size, the split screen functionality is automatically disabled when using NetSuite Mobile app to view transactions created via Scan&Capture.
SC-1816 Preference to treat subsidiary from the email plugin as leading during matching
We introduce a new setting available in Scan&Capture Main Configuration called Subsidiary from the email plugin prevails during vendor matching. When the preference is enabled, then the vendor matching algorithm will use the captured subsidiary from the email plugin as a priority and use it to filter vendors. It means that the application will not overwrite the subsidiary if the unique vendor has been found in another subsidiary. Subsidiary from email plugin will prevail and matching a vendor from different subsidiary will not happen.
Bug Fixes
SC-617 S&C Portlet fails when saved searches have more than 4,000 records
When the saved search used in S&C portlet contains more than 4000 results, users were experiencing an error SSS_SEARCH_FOR_EACH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. The issue is fixed now and users can access S&C portlet even if the results exceed 4000 records.
SC-1204 Exclude Memorized POs from the dropdown on bill to process screen
Memorized purchase orders has been removed from the list of POs available in the bill to process screen for manual selection, as they are not applicable for further processing.
SC-1308 Partially Received Purchase Orders - adjust availability on bill to process screen
Purchase orders in the status “Partially Received” for accounts that do not have “Bill in advance of Receipt” enabled are now correctly displayed in the dropdown on bill to process screen (color code changed from green to orange).
SC-1497 Populate self-learning fields for matching on the vendor record
There was an issue with self-learning fields not being updated on the vendor record in the Scan&Capture subtab. The issue is fixed therefore fields will be updated again to improve matching algorithm results.
SC-1554 E-invoice outbound: issue with shipping cost
The was a calculation issue in outbound e-invoices when shipping cost on the header level was used. The issue is fixed now and the shipping cost in now correctly included in the outbound e-invoices.
SC-1579 Improve logic when using items instead of expenses on vendor bill lines
There was an issue when items are used on standalone vendor bills. Certain fields (e.g. units or some custom fields) were not copied over from item. The issue is fixed now and when items are used, then all associated fields are copied over from the item to the vendor bill lines.
SC-1661 Define route back after clicking Save on the bill to Process record
There was an issue with using button SAVE on the bill to process records when the record was opened in the separate subtab. The issue is fixed now and after pressing SAVE the screen is redirecting correctly to the Incoming transactions overview.
SC-1696 UNEXPECTED_ERROR when creating vendor from B2P
In certain situations users were experiencing the error message UNEXPECTED_ERROR when creating a vendor via bill to process screen. The issue is fixed now.
SC-1713 Fix for SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION error during processing
In certain situations, users were experiencing an error during processing vendor bills stating SSS_XML_DOM_EXCEPTION. The issue occurs when the OCR station was not able to scan a particular PDF and it’s fixed now.
SC-1736 Error during matching a vendor - saved search with > 4000 results
In certain situations the vendor matching algorithm was failing with the error caused by too many results in the saved search. The issue is fixed now and the matching algorithm will not fail in this particular use case.
SC-1746 Save&Print does not work on Purchase orders
Native NetSuite button available on purchase orders: Save&Print was not working correctly when Scan&Capture script was running on purchase orders. The issue is fixed now and Save&Print option is working as expected.
SC-1766 PO in status Pending Billing and amount = 0 should be available for billing
Purchase orders in status Pending Billing and an unbilled amount equal to zero are now available again in the bill to process PO dropdown. Users can manually select these purchase orders for further processing.
SC-1793 FF SC UE Entity - do not run if the vendor is not created via B2P
The script FF SC UE Entity was running on the vendor record even if it was not created via Scan&Capture Create Vendor functionality what was causing issues when using native NetSuite pop-up. The issue is fixed now and the script is not blocking NetSuite pop-up for vendor creation anymore.
SC-1807 Exclude S&C PO # and Line when copying purchase order
When action Copy was used on purchase orders, there was no mechanism for resetting values in the fields S&C PO # and S&C PO Line. The issue is fixed now therefore the correct information will be included on the purchase order when it is copied from another purchase order.
SC-1832 Improved performance of the script sending vendors to OCR station
In certain situations the performance of the script pushing subsidiaries and vendor master data to the scanning station was decreased after upgrade to 2.0 version. In this version the performance has been reviewed and improved as much as possible.
SC-1862 Folder per subsidiary - issue when postprocessing multiple subsidiaries in one run
When the account uses a setup with a dedicated folder in the file cabinet per subsidiary to store documents, it could happen that documents were shifted to the incorrect folder. The issue occurred in case a lot of documents from different subsidiaries are processed in one batch. The issue is fixed now and the feature to have a folder per subsidiary is working correctly.
SC-1882 Error during processing of incoming records for extremely big files
Parsing of OCR recognition results was failing in case the limit of 1000000 characters has been reached for vendor bill lines to be created. The issue is fixed so that incoming transaction can be processed without errors.
SC-1884 Error in case of special character in the PDF file name
Special characters included in the PDF file name that was sent via email for OCR scanning was causing issues during processing incoming transactions. The issue is fixed now and special characters are now handled so that the PDF can be scanned correctly.
SC-1910 Exclude POs for inactive vendors/subsidiaries from matching
Purchase Order matching algorithm checks captured PO number and try to find a match across existing purchase orders in NetSuite based on number. It is a possible scenario that open purchase order in NetSuite exists for inactive vendor or inactive subsidiary. This kind of purchase order is now excluded completely from the matching algorithm to not cause issues during processing, as you cannot bill purchase order for inactive vendor or subsidiary.