This page explains all features included in the new enhanced UI of ZoneCapture portlet.
- Introduction
- Enabling the feature
- Processing Transactions
- PDF Preview
- Display matched purchase orders
- Display System Alert
- Filters
- Show inactive records
- Inline Editing
- Additional settings
Version 2.1.0 of ZoneCapture bundle introduced an option to use enhanced UI instead of the standard saved search view under ZoneCapture portlet. When enhanced UI is enabled in the preferences, then user users will be automatically redirected to the new, modern and flexible view of transactions.
Enabling the feature
New enhanced UI can be enabled or disabled as per preference for your NetSuite account.
The feature can be enabled/disable by marking a checkbox ENABLE ENHANCED UI EXPERIENCE
If the checkbox is marked, then all users will be redirected to new UI when accessing sections in the ZoneCapture portlet and also when accessing Incoming Transactions via menu item (path TRANSACTIONS (Financial) ->ZONECAPTURE->INCOMING PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS TO BE PROCESSED.
If the checkbox is not marked then the view will be switched back to the standard NetSuite saved search screen.
Processing Transactions
There are two options during processing transactions - open Bill to process record in edit mode or directly process it.
Edit mode is available for every record and can be opened by clicking on ID column, which is a hyperlink.
If the transaction does not have a vendor matched, then EDIT button will be available as well.
If the transaction have a vendor and subsidiary matched, then PROCESS button will be available for direct processing of vendor bill.
PDF Preview
Enhanced UI contains a column called PDF. Click on the icon to preview PDF attached to the particular transaction.
Display matched purchase orders
In case one incoming transaction has been matched to six or less purchase orders, then every PO is displayed as a separate hyperlink. Click on the particular PO number to directly open the purchase order.
In case one incoming transaction has been matched to more than six purchase orders, then click on the hyperlink called (more..) to display all connected purchase orders with detailed information about the current status.
Display System Alert
Enhanced UI contains a column called System Alert. Click on the chip to preview details of the alert.
To filter out particular records, click on the option called Filters at the top of the overview. The pop up will be displayed to select columns and values to be filter out.
The second option is to click directly on the column (three dots) and select the option “Filter”.
Please note that filters set by a particular user will be stored, therefore even after refreshing the page the user will still see the same filters automatically applied. If you do not want to use filters anymore, please remove them. To remove a filer, click on the “FILTERS” and select Delete option.
Show inactive records
By default, the Incoming transaction list is showing active records only. If you want to see the inactive records (records rejected manually by the users), then switch a toggle called “Show Inactivated Records”. From this view you can activate back records if needed.
Turn the toggle off if you want to go back to the list of active transactions.
Inline Editing
Enhanced UI introduced built-in inline editing functionality. Use a toggle called “Inline Editing” in the top of the overview to enable the feature.
Version 2.1.0 supports inline editing of memo field only. Double-click on the memo field to start inline editing it. Your changes will be saved instantly when clicking outside the field.
Additional settings
Enhanced UI introduced one more preference - the default behavior when clicking on the ID, EDIT, and PROCESS buttons in the section Incoming.
The feature can be enabled/disable by marking a checkbox OPEN RECORDS DIRECTLY IN NEW TAB.
When enabled, clicking ID hyperlink, EDIT and PROCESS buttons in the ZoneCapture Incoming purchase transactions to be processed page will cause the record to automatically open in a new browser tab. Therefore you can keep the Incoming list always open in one tab and process transactions in the new tabs to speed up the navigation between the general overview and particular transactions.
When disabled, the record will be opened within the same browser tab.