This page explains how to enable control of duplicates and how to use this functionality.
- Introduction
- Enabling the feature
- Criteria for duplicates
- Verification of duplicates
- Customizations of field
The control of duplicates feature is introduced to help users identify potential duplicates on the early stage. The logic will be applied on the level of Incoming transactions to be processed, therefore the user will be notified about potential duplicates in the overview of Incoming transactions, so already before processing a particular transaction.
Enabling the feature
Control of duplicates can be enabled or disabled as per your preference.
If you use setup per subsidiary, then navigate to Setup > Scan & Capture Setup > Scan & Capture Subsidiary Setup
If you do not use setup per subsidiary, then navigate to Setup > Scan & Capture Setup > Scan & Capture Main Configuration
The feature can be enabled/disabled by marking a checkbox ENABLE CONTROL OF DUPLICATES.
Criteria for duplicates
Scan&Capture logic can highlight two types of potential duplicates:
Duplicated Incoming
Bill to Process record will be marked as Duplicated Incoming if there is at least one active and not yet processed Bill to Process record with the same document type (Bill/Credit), subsidiary, vendor and document number.
If all mentioned values are equal, then System Alert will show Duplicated Incoming chip.
Duplicated Transaction
Bill to Process record will be marked as Duplicated Transaction if there is at least one existing vendor bill/credit with the same document type (Bill/Credit), subsidiary, vendor and document number.
If all mentioned values are equal, then System Alert will show Duplicated Transaction chip. In this case the control of duplicates analyses all existing vendor bills (created via Scan&Capture and via native NetSuite solution)
If the potential duplicate was found against existing vendor bills and also against not yet processed transactions, then both chips will be shown at the same time.
If you do not see System Alert column in the overview, it means you have custom saved search under the portlet. Please edit the saved search and add “System Alert” column in the results.
Verification of duplicates
Potential duplicates can be verified using the System Alert column in the enhanced UI.
Click on the chip called Duplicated Incoming displayed in the System Alert column to show a list of potential duplicates.
Click on the chip called Duplicated Transaction displayed in the System Alert column to show a list of potential duplicates.
Customizations of field
As described above the control of duplicates is analyzing captured document number against the document number in already existing vendor bills.
By default the logic is using field ID = tranid → native NetSuite field for storing document number.
However if you use a different (custom) field for storing document numbers, you can customize it.
Find a parameter called CUSTOM TRANSACTION FIELD ID FOR CONTROL OF DUPLICATES in the Scan & Capture Subsidiary setup (if used) or Scan & Capture Main Configuration and populate there your custom field ID.
If the parameter is empty, then by default the logic will use tranid. Leave the parameter empty in this case.
If the parameter contains a custom field ID, then it will be used for duplicate detection.