This article describes how to set up the Customer and Vendor in ZoneCapture SuiteApp.
General Information
ZoneCapture comes with configuration options for vendors and customers. These configuration options are by default visible on the standard forms from NetSuite but potentially not on customized forms. In this section for both entity records, we explain what the setup options are and how you can make the fields visible if a nonstandard entry form is used.
Vendor Settings
On the vendor record, ZoneCapture installs one additional subtab named ZoneCapture. Under this subtab, the system will provide six additional subtabs to configure the vendor record as needed. Each subtab will be explained in this document.
- Disable Line-Level Recognition: When enabled ZoneCapture will not read transaction lines from the PDF transaction and sum the total from the PDF into one line. Enabling this feature can be handy if you do not want to capture all transaction lines and only interested in the total of the invoice.
Scan & Capture Trained Field Mapping
In this section, all trained field mappings are displayed. A trained field mapping can be created with a click-and-point operation. This means that a user can first click on a NetSuite field and then on a section from the PDF. At this moment the system will populate the field with the clicked PDF data and directly learn from this operation. With the next invoice, the system will automatically try to capture the data from the PDF that is in the same region and populate the NetSuite field.
If there is unexpected sourcing happening then in this section the user could check if maybe a training should be deleted.
Default Vendor Bill Lines
In this section, it is possible to create default vendor bill lines. When a default vendor bill line entry has been created the system will apply this automatically which allows the user to for example split a PDF transaction line into multiple lines to share the cost between different accounts or locations.
3-Way Matching
In this section, the user can configure the 3-way matching on the vendor level. If this section is not visible please visit the page Customize Forms. When 3-way matching is configured on the vendor it will overwrite the 3-way matching logic on the
but can be overwritten by an item 3-way matching logic. ZoneCapture will assist the user with setting up this section by interactively showing or hiding entry fields.
Captured Quantity Prevails On the Vendor Bill Lines: In this dropdown, there are 3 options available that will change the behavior of which quantity will be pre-populated as a starting point. The quantity tolerance settings will only become available if the "Threshold Settings Prevails" is selected.
- Thresholds Settings Prevail: When this option is chosen the system will pre-populate the quantity based on the defined thresholds on the vendor bill line
- Captured Data Prevails: When this option is chosen the system will use the captured quantity to pre-populate the quantity on the vendor bill line
- Purchase Order Data Prevails: When this option is enabled the system will use the purchase quantity to pre-populate the quantity on the vendor bill line
Captured Unit Price Prevails On the Vendor Bill Lines: In this dropdown, there are 3 options available that will change the behavior of which rate will be pre-populated as a starting point. The rate tolerance settings will only become available if the "Threshold Settings Prevails" is selected.
- Thresholds Settings Prevail: When this option is chosen the system will pre-populate the rate based on the defined thresholds on the vendor bill line
- Captured Data Prevails: When this option is chosen the system will use the captured rate to pre-populate the rate on the vendor bill line
- Purchase Order Data Prevails: When this option is enabled the system will use the purchase rate to pre-populate the rate on the vendor bill line
- 3-Way Matching Tolerance Type For Quantity: In this dropdown, it is possible to select if the threshold should be triggered based on a fixed amount or a percentage
- Quantity Tolerance Amount/Percentage: Based on the previously selected option this field will become available and allows to define the threshold that is allowed. This threshold is applied in both directions, with positive and negative differences.
- 3-Way Matching Tolerance Type For Rate: In this dropdown, it is possible to select if the threshold should be triggered based on a fixed amount or a percentage
- Rate Tolerance Amount/Percentage: Based on the previously selected option this field will become available and allows to define the threshold that is allowed. This threshold is applied in both directions, with positive and negative differences.
General Settings
In this section, it is possible to configure the vendor with some generic application settings.
- S&C Default Item For Incoming Bills: When an item is selected in this field it will overwrite the Main Configuration or the Subsidiary Configuration. The system will populate all transaction lines automatically with this item.
- S&C Purchase Order Validation Rule: This dropdown allows selecting a purchase order line validation rule. This will overwrite the Main Configuration or Subsidiary Configuration. This is a legacy feature that has been replaced with the new 3-way match feature.
Autoprocessing preferences: When this feature is enabled ZoneCapture will be able to process incoming transactions fully automated meaning that no user actually needs to post the transaction. In the dropdown, the system provides 3 different preferences. It is recommended to test changes before applying.
- Autoprocess standalone bills/credits only
- Autoprocess PO-related bills only
- Autoprocess standalone bills/credits and PO-related bills
- Disable line-level preferences: When this checkbox is enabled ZoneCapture will only pre-populate the vendor transaction with a grand total line and ignore the lines from the received invoice. This is potentially interesting for bills where the line details do not add value to be recorded.
AI Settings
In this section, it is possible to disable the GenAI on the vendor level. To disable the GenAI simply check the checkbox named "Disable Field Population"
ZC GenAI Vendor Field Mapping
In this section, ZoneCapture allows users to interact with the GenAI technology. Each vendor can have dedicated settings for each field and transaction type (vendor bill/vendor credit) if needed. By default all fields are configured in the same way for all vendors, however if you have a use case when deviation per vendor is needed, you can configure it via this record. The overview allows to easily filter the record entries on the following criteria:
- Transaction type
- Level (header or line)
- Pre-population deactivated
Currently, ZoneCapture only provides support for line-level fields. Header fields are visible at this moment but aren't yet activated. This will happen in the near future.
When the subtab isn't visible or doesn't show any entries then please check if the user role has at least view permission for the record type "ZC GenAI Vendor Field Mapping".
To interact with a field mapping press "New ZC GenAI Vendor Field Mapping" or "Edit" hyperlink in case certain mappings already exist and need to be altered. A new page opens.
On this record, the following fields needs to be configured:
- Level: Header/Line. Select on which level the field to be customized exists
- Field: Select the field to be customized
- Transaction Type: Vendor Bill/ Vendor Credit. Select to which transaction type the field to be customized is applicable
- Pre-Population Deactivated: When this checkbox is enabled the GenAI technology will not try to populate the field with values. Mark this checkbox to disable GenAI for particular field and vendor. This checkbox might be checked automatically when the SuiteApp identifies that the field already is populated by other automation like workflows, scripting, or defaulting set in ZoneCapture.
- GenAI Field Context: By default the field is empty. In this field, it is possible to provide additional information regarding the field to assist the GenAI to better understand what is expected to be populated. It is also possible to ask the GenAI to populate the field value in a specific way. For example: “Please translate it into English".
The other fields are managed by ZoneCapture and do not allow alterations.
System Variables
In this section, ZoneCapture stores some data to improve the matching rate. Normally it will not be needed to adjust anything in this section, but when unexpected matching behavior occurs sometimes cleaning the data could help. The fields are explained in this section.
- S&C Last Received Company Name: This field holds the actual name that the OCR was able to capture. This value will be used to improve the matching algorithm.
- S&C Last Received IBAN/Account No.: This field holds the IBAN or account number that the OCR captured with the last readout. This data is used for the matching algorithm and in a later stage be used to identify potential mismatches in this data to protect against fraudulent invoices.
- S&C Bank Account Number: This field holds the bank account number that the OCR captured with the last readout. This data is used for the matching algorithm.
- S&C Bank Code: This field holds the bank code that the OCR captured with the last readout. This data is used for the matching algorithm.
- S&C Difference Preference: This is a dropdown that allows selecting the behavior that should be used to prepopulate the vendor bill lines. This setting will only be used when the legacy 3-way matching logic is enabled.
Customer Settings
General Information
On the customer record, there is the Scan & Capture subtab where the e-invoicing fields are stored. To be able to send/receive e-invoices, the e-invoicing address of the entity should be populated in this subtab. The e-invoicing address consists of Endpoint ID, Endpoint Scheme, and Endpoint Scheme ID. Once the "Endpoint ID" is populated, you should select the corresponding "Endpoint Scheme". The "Endpoint Scheme ID" field is populated automatically based on the "Endpoint Scheme" selected.
You can be provided with the e-invoicing address in multiple ways. Your customer can provide you with the Endpoint ID and the name of the Endpoint Scheme. Based on this information, you can easily select the dedicated values in the e-invoicing fields.
However, it can happen that your Customer provides you with the invoicing address in the following format: "0192:745707327". You can read it as follows:
The "0192" prefix is a code of the certain Endpoint Scheme, in this case, it's a code for Norwegian Organisasjonsnummer, and "745707327" is Endpoint ID. The Scan & Capture subtab should be then populated as shown below:
You might find helpful the list of Endpoint Scheme Codes listed below on this page in the section “List of Codes for Endpoint Schemes”.
Setup Customers
Update the Customer record to which you want to send e-invoices:
- Party endpoint ID: Populate here the endpoint ID that you received from the customer. It's a unique identifier of your customer from e-invoicing network. This field is mandatory if you want to send e-invoice to your customer.
- Party endpoint scheme: Populate here the endpoint scheme that you received from the customer. This field is mandatory if you want to send e-invoice to your customer.
- Party Endpoint scheme ID: This field will be populated automatically
- Automatically Send E-Documents: When enabled ZoneCapture will automatically send the invoice after saving the invoice. If it's not marked, then e-invoice can be sent manually via "Send E-Document" button on the invoice record.
- Tax ID: Populate here the customer's VAT number (supplied by the customer). This field is optional.
- Tax Scheme: Populate here the tax scheme that corresponds with the region of the customer / VAT number. This field is optional.
- Party endpoint operator ID: Only set this value if you have been instructed to set it. You can receive those instructions from the customer, Fast Four Support or Basware Support. In some cases, this field is mandatory, but whether it is required depends on the e-document provider of the receiving party. For example, this is mandatory for documents that are routed through the Italian SDI/SATA provider (for which the operator ID is "01394200362").
- Italian Payment Term: Select in this field the applicable payment term. This is only needed for Italian customers
- Italian Payment Term Code: This field will populate automatically
- Bank Details For E-Invoices: Select in this field the applicable bank details if different than subsidiary primary bank details
List of Codes for Endpoint Schemes
Below you’ll find the code prefixes with the description listed. Further details about each identifier scheme can be found in the Code List provided directly by PEPPOL in the link below:
0151 - Australian Business Number (ABN)
9956 - Belgian Banque-Carrefour des Enterprises (BCE)
9925 - Belgian VAT Number
9902- Danish CVR Number
0060 - Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
0106 - Dutch Kamer van Koophandel
0190 - Dutch Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer
0037 - Finnish Tax Board
9957 - France VAT number
9930 - Germany VAT number
0088 - Global Location Number (GLN)
9906 - Italian VAT Number
0204 - Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards (KoSIT)
9944 - Netherlands VAT number
0192 - Norwegian Organisasjonsnummer
9909 - Norwegian VAT Number
0195 - Singapore Nationwide elnvoice Framework
0007 - Swedish Organisationsnummer
9955 - Swedish VAT number
9927 - Swiss VAT Number
9932 - United Kingdom VAT number