This page explains how to configure the ZoneCapture Main Configuration
- General information
- Main Configuration
OCR stations (subtab)
E-Documents (subtab)
- S&C Portlet (subtab)
- 3-Way Matching (subtab)
- AI Settings
- Next step
General information
The ZoneCapture uses a configuration flow where the main configuration is the last record to be checked for processing settings. The system allows to set up a really general configuration where the application only uses the main configuration, but when needed it can be overwritten by subsidiary specific configuration. The architecture is explained in a flowchart displayed below. The main configuration record is mandatory and there can be only one active main configuration. The system will provide warnings when a user tries to create additional configurations.
Main Configuration
To be able to use ZoneCapture the main configuration is mandatory. To create a record if none is existing navigate to SETUP->ZONECAPTURE->ZONECAPTURE MAIN CONFIGURATION->NEW. A new page will open that allows for creating a new main configuration record. In this document, all settings will be explained per section and subtab.
In this section, the SuiteApp allows setting some default behavior settings.
- Enable self-learning while matching vendors: When this feature is enabled the SuiteApp will learn from manually created matches. It will remember the captured data from the OCR and store on the vendor record the parameters so that with the next incoming transaction these parameters can be used for automatic matching.
- Enable auto-processing for incoming bills to process when a vendor is matched: This feature allows the system to automatically process incoming transactions into actual NetSuite transactions without any human interference. The SuiteApp will respect potential existing approval flows. When the SuiteApp needs to create an expense-related vendor bill then no further checks will be done. When the transaction is connected with just one purchase transaction then the system will only perform an auto process operation when there is no purchase order line level validation configured or when there an existing rule is validated without any exceptions.
- Enable Control Of Duplicates: When enable the enhanced UI will provide a warning when it encounters potential duplicates. ZoneCapture checks if duplicates are existing within the incoming queue but also within the NetSuite environment. More information can be found on the page Control Of Duplicates.
- Custom Transaction Field ID For Control Of Duplicates: Field ID to be populated only if captured ZoneCapture Document Number should be compared with custom field ID. When the field is empty, then by default standard NetSuite field tranid will be used to find potential duplicates among existing vendor bills/credits.
- Exclude domain names for matching algorithm: ZoneCapture tries in the first step of the matching algorithm to match the vendor based on the email domain name. When company users do forward mails it is recommended to exclude their domain names here.
In this section, it is possible to configure the system's default settings for processing incoming data.
- Lines default GL account: In this field, the default GL for expense lines can be selected. Keep in mind that “transaction line defaulting” will prevail in the hierarchy. We recommend setting here when used, an account where not posting should happen. For example, an additional account named “Incorrect S&C postings” would allow to quickly identify incorrectly posted transactions. Keep in mind that the checkbox named “Use items instead of expense” could grey out this field.
- Lines default item: In this field, the default item for expense-related invoices can be selected. Keep in mind that “transaction line defaulting” will prevail in the hierarchy. Keep in mind that the checkbox named “Use items instead of expense” could grey out this field.
- Default transaction type when it is not recognized: In this field, it is possible to set the default transaction type for when the SuiteApp was not able to determine it. We recommend setting this to your most common transaction type which most likely will be vendor bill.
- Use items instead of expenses: With this checkbox, it is possible to force the SuiteApp to use items for stand-a-lone vendor bills instead of expense lines. The page automatically changes the entry options when enabling this option.
- Ignore the due date from the incoming B2P transactions: When enabled the system will use the due date calculated by NetSuite which is based on the payment terms. If not enabled the system will use the potential existing due data that is present on the incoming PDF (vendor bill) and ignore the due date from NetSuite.
- Subsidiary From The Plugin Prevails During Vendor Matching: When this option is enabled the system will use the subsidiary from the email plugin as the only subsidiary to look in. So by enabling this, the OCR will not try to set a subsidiary.
Storage settings
In this section, it is possible to define where the SuiteApp stores the incoming data and email. Keep in mind that the subsidiary configuration is overwriting this setting when configured.
- Folder id where in/outgoing files are stored: Enter in this field the internal id from the folder where the SuiteApp should store the incoming or outgoing PDF files. Make sure that the folder is accessible for the user that should be able to process incoming transactions. More information regarding how to create a folder can be found on the page Create a folder.
- PDF storage naming convention: This field allows to set a specific naming convention for storing the PDF file. When nothing is defined in this field then the system will simply use the naming convention from the received PDF file and add a unique GUID identifier. When a value is set the system will use the defined naming convention. The recommended default setting is “%VENDOR_ENTITY_ID%%BILL_TRANID%%BILL_INTERNALID%”. It is important to maintain a unique file naming convention.
- Attach the incoming mail to the created vendor bill/credit: When enabled the SuiteApp will attach the original received email to the transaction under the communication tab from NetSuite.
Purchase order settings
In this section, it is possible to set the behavior for the purchase order processing logic.
- Prefix for matching POs: In this field, it is possible to define a prefix that is used by your vendors which is not defined in your system. Keep in mind that this prefix is used for comparing all the identified purchase order numbers from the incoming PDF file and could lead to potential mismatches.
- Purchase order validation rule: This field allows to set a fallback purchaser order validation rule. Keep in mind that this setting can be overwritten by a subsidiary or vendor configuration. The logic is that the system will first check the vendor, if a rule is set it will use the defined rule. If none is found the subsidiary will be checked, if a rule is found this will be used. If the subsidiary isn’t holding a value then the main configuration will be checked if it contains a rule and if so this will be used. More information regarding the purchase order validation rules can be found on the page Purchase Order Validation Rules. This is a legacy feature that is replaced by the newly released 3-way match
- Enable billing of multiple purchase transactions (not BFN compliant): This feature is an additional purchased feature and allows the SuiteApp to bill multiple purchase transactions in one step. When this feature is not enabled the SuiteApp will only be able to bill a transaction that is connected with a single purchase order.
- Enable 3-way purchase order matching (not BFN compliant): This feature is an additional purchased feature and when enabled ZoneCapture will use the 3-way purchase order matching (purchase order line level validation) and apply coloring to the transaction lines on the vendor bill that identify differences based on the validation rule applied. This is a legacy feature that is replaced by the newly released 3-way match
- Subsidiary From The Email Plugin Prevails During Purchase Order Matching: When enabled the vendor matching algorithm will use the captured subsidiary from the email plugin and use it to filter vendors. This means that the application will not overwrite the subsidiary if the unique vendor has been found in another subsidiary. Subsidiary from email plugin will prevail and the vendor only from this subsidiary will be matched.
Tax settings
In this section, it is possible to alter the tax logic behavior.
- Suppress VAT on incoming transactions: When this feature is enabled ZoneCapture will include the VAT amount in the net amount on line level on the vendor bill and will set the VAT amount to zero so that the net amount and gross amount on the vendor bill line are equal. In the header, the amount field (= gross amount) will then also include the VAT and the VAT field will default to zero.
- Use TAX mapping: When this feature is enabled ZoneCapture will disregard the tax logic from NetSuite and will start using the Tax Mapping logic from ZoneCapture. We only recommend changing this logic when you have many vendors with vendor bills that do contain multiple tax rates. More information regarding tax mapping can be found on the page Configure Tax Mapping.
User interface settings
In this section, it is possible to alter the user interface settings.
- Enable Enhanced UI Experience: When enabled ZoneCapture will use a custom page that displays the results behind the dashboard icons. This custom saved search page provides more flexibility and user data compared to a standard NetSuite saved search
- Open Records Directly In New Tab: When enabled and the "Enhanced UI Experience" is enabled the hyperlinks will automatically open in a new browser tab eliminating the use of a right click or the user of ALT.
- Enable Highlighting Source Data On the Clickable PDF: When enabled ZoneCapture can highlight the PDF where data was captured. This could provide the end user with more information regarding the OCR process.
More information regarding the "Enhanced UI Experience" can be found on the page Enhanced Ui in the ZoneCapture Portlet
OCR (subtab)
In this subtab, the setting for the OCR station can be configured. This section allows for defining saved search logic, email logic, and scanning station logic.
General settings
In this section, the general setting for the OCR station can be configured.
- Default OCR station vendor bills: In this dropdown, the default OCR station can be selected that should be used for vendor bills. Keep in mind that the subsidiary configuration can overwrite this setting. At this moment each account will only have one available OCR station but this will be extended in the near future. How to create an OCR Station is explained on the page ZoneCapture OCR Station.
- Email plugin: In this dropdown, the email plugin can be selected that should be connected with the main configuration. It is recommended to connect here an email plugin that acts as a single email plugin. When a mail is received on this plugin the system will try to find the correct subsidiary. We recommend creating specific email plugins for high-volume subsidiaries and connecting these to the subsidiary configuration to improve data recognition.
- Disable OCR data processing: When this checkbox is enabled the ZoneCapture will stop processing new incoming transactions and will not forward them to the OCR station. Data will remain in the queue and will be processed when this option is disabled. When this checkbox is enabled without user interaction we recommend contacting our support department.
Data settings
In this section, it is possible to alter the information that is sent to the OCR station. This data is used by the OCR station to perform matching algorithms. We recommend only making changes hereafter consulting with one of our consultants.
- Vendor database search: This field allows overwriting the default search that ZoneCapture uses for retrieving the vendor data that is synchronized with the OCR Station. By default, the system will be using the saved search with the naming convention "ZoneCapture - Vendor database"
- Subsidiary database search: This field allows overwriting the default search that ZoneCapture uses for retrieving the subsidiary data that is synchronized with the OCR Station. By default, the system will be using the saved search with the naming convention "Abbyy Business Units Database"
Email autoresponse settings
In this section, it is possible to configure and automate confirmation mails when data is received and or when data wasn’t processed correctly.
- Send auto-response when documents are captured correctly: When this feature is enabled the system will send the sender automatically a confirmation mail that their email and data have been processed correctly.
- Send auto-response when an error occurred for captured documents: When this feature is enabled the system will send the sender automatically a confirmation mail that their data has been received but that it couldn’t be processed in full or only partially. In the email template, it is possible to highlight to the sender what exactly wasn't processed.
- Email template for auto-response when documents are processed successfully: In this dropdown, the custom-created email template can be selected which the system will use to inform the sender that their mail has been processed successfully. More information regarding the email template can be found on the page Email template.
- Email template for auto-response when documents can’t be processed: In this dropdown, the custom-created email template can be selected which the system will use to inform the sender that their mail has been processed successfully. More information regarding the email template can be found on the page Email template.
- Auto-response sender: Select in this dropdown an employee that will be used as the sender for the auto-response mail.
- Auto-response cc: In this field, it is possible to set additional receivers in a comma-separated way. For example, if you would like to send a copy of an autoresponse mail to and to then enter in the field the data as follow “,”.
E-Documents (subtab)
Data Settings
In this section, it is possible to alter the data that is sent to the E-Document station so that invoice lines are grouped. We recommend only making changes hereafter consulting with one of our consultants.
- Transaction line search: a detailed explanation of how to configure this parameter can be found on the page Grouping Items.
S&C Portlet (subtab)
In this section, it is possible to define different searches that are behind the dashboard portlet icons. By default, ZoneCapture comes with standard saved searches but these can be extended with additional criteria to limit the overview further if needed. For example, this could come in handy when filtering based on an employee is needed. To identify the default saved search the field level help can be opened that will provide the name of the default saved search. By copying and pasting this value in the global search from NetSuite a copy can be generated. When the new search is created the newly created search can be selected in the dropdown.
- Incoming Purchase Transactions Saved Search: This saved search is responsible for populating and showing the transactions that are pending processing.
- Processed Transactions This Month Saved Search: This saved search is responsible for populating and showing the transactions that were processed this month.
- Outbound E-Invoices This Month Saved Search: This saves search is responsible for populating and showing the number of E-invoices that were sent out to customers
- Failed E-invoices Saved Search: This saved search is responsible for populating and showing all the E-invoices which were sent this month but which could not be delivered to the customer.
3-Way Matching (subtab)
In this section, the user can configure the 3-way matching. When this 3-way matching is enabled the old legacy 3-way matching will be disabled automatically. On installation, none of them will be active. For recently upgraded customers the old 3-way match will potentially be active. It is possible to switch between both 3-way match features at any time.
General Settings
- Enable 3-Way Matching: When this checkbox is enabled the new 3-way match logic will become active and the old 3-way match logic will be deactivated automatically. The checkbox named "Enable 3-Way Purchase Order Matching" in the main section "Purchase Orders" will be greyed out
3-Way Matching Behavior
In this section, it is possible to configure the behavior of the 3-way matching and set thresholds and preferences for which data should prevail
- Highlight Bill Quantity If Lower Then PO Quantity: When this checkbox is enabled the system will highlight the quantity that is actually billed in orange if this is lower than the purchased quantity. For the user, this could be an indication that maybe something isn't correct. The system will not see this as a blocking issue or record it in the 3-way matching summary when enabled.
- Limit Auto-Adjusting Of The Quantity On The Vendor Bill To The Maximum Billable Quantity: When enabled the 3-way matching logic will not allow billing a higher quantity than what was actually purchased. This logic is active during the load of the transaction. The user can still overwrite it when the NetSuite configuration allows doing so.
Captured Quantity Prevails On the Vendor Bill Lines: In this dropdown, there are 3 options available that will change the behavior of which quantity will be pre-populated as a starting point. The quantity tolerance settings will only become available if the "Threshold Settings Prevails" is selected.
- Thresholds Settings Prevail: When this option is chosen the system will pre-populate the quantity based on the defined thresholds on the vendor bill line
- Captured Data Prevails: When this option is chosen the system will use the captured quantity to pre-populate the quantity on the vendor bill line
- Purchase Order Data Prevails: When this option is enabled the system will use the purchase quantity to pre-populate the quantity on the vendor bill line
Captured Unit Price Prevails On the Vendor Bill Lines: In this dropdown, there are 3 options available that will change the behavior of which rate will be pre-populated as a starting point. The rate tolerance settings will only become available if the "Threshold Settings Prevails" is selected.
- Thresholds Settings Prevail: When this option is chosen the system will pre-populate the rate based on the defined thresholds on the vendor bill line
- Captured Data Prevails: When this option is chosen the system will use the captured rate to pre-populate the rate on the vendor bill line
- Purchase Order Data Prevails: When this option is enabled the system will use the purchase rate to pre-populate the rate on the vendor bill line
Quantity Tolerances
In this section, it is possible to define the thresholds that ZoneCapture should use for the quantity. Only if the difference is within the threshold the captured quantity will be used. When outside the threshold then the quantity from the purchase order will be used.
- 3-Way Matching Tolerance Type For Quantity: In this dropdown, it is possible to select if the threshold should be triggered based on a fixed amount or a percentage
- Quantity Tolerance Amount/Percentage: Based on the previously selected option this field will become available and allows to define the threshold that is allowed. This threshold is applied in both directions, with positive and negative differences.
Rate Tolerances
In this section, it is possible to define the thresholds that ZoneCapture should use for the rate. Only if the difference is within the threshold the captured rate will be used. When outside the threshold then the rate from the purchase order will be used.
- 3-Way Matching Tolerance Type For Rate: In this dropdown, it is possible to select if the threshold should be triggered based on a fixed amount or a percentage
- Rate Tolerance Amount/Percentage: Based on the previously selected option this field will become available and allows to define the threshold that is allowed. This threshold is applied in both directions, with positive and negative differences.
More information regarding the new 3-Way Matching can be found on the page 3-Way Matching
AI Settings (subtab)
In this section, it is possible to disable GenAi for the whole system. It is possible to deactivate the GenAi on an individual vendor level. To deactivate the GenAI simply enable the checkbox named "Disable AI Field Population"
Next step
If needed the next step could be to configure subsidiary-specific configuration. For this step proceed with the topic “ZoneCapture Subsidiary Configuration”. If specific subsidiary setups aren’t needed the next step could be creating the “Email Plugin”.