General Information
Version 2.14.0 was released on the 29th of November and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-3202 New Email Plug-in type for XML files in UBL format
ZoneCapture introduced additional email plug-in type that is dedicated for XML files in UBL format.
The decision to introduce this feature is driven mostly by new e-invoicing requirements in Germany starting from January 2025 where one of possible ways of delivering of e-invoices will be PDF and XML file sent via email.
Email Plug-in called ZC UBL Email Plugin will be created automatically on upgrade to 2.14.0 version.
Navigate to Customization/ Plug-ins/ Manage Plug-ins to find dedicated email address. As long as the email plug-in is marked as active, it can be used.
Dedicated UBL plug-in is accepting emails that contains 2 files (PDF and XML) and from there is acting as e-invoicing email plug-in, meaning it reads attached XML file and use data from XML to populate vendor bill. PDF is acting only as an attachment on the split screen view.
Using of this email plug-in is recommended for customers who receives e-invoices via email and instead of scanning PDF and using OCR results to populate data, they would like to prioritize XML file and use data included there to automatically populate data on the vendor bills.
More details about this email plug-in can be found here.
SC-3234 Preference to treat captured due date with higher priority then NetSuite payment terms
The new preference has been introduced on ZoneCapture Main Configuration level and also on ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup level regarding population of due date. So far if vendor record in NetSuite has payment terms defined, they were used with priority to calculate due date based on captured document date and populate the result on the vendor bill. The new preference called Captured Due Date Prevails over NetSuite Payment Terms has been introduced to allow treating captured due date with priority. When the new checkbox is marked on the ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup, then captured due date will be used to populate data on the vendor bill, even if NetSuite payment terms are populated on the vendor record.
Bug Fixes
SC-3348 3-Way Matching: Data outside of thresholds should block autoprocessing
The issue has been found in the use case of autoprocessing of purchase orders related bills with 3-Way Matching functionality enabled. In case any thresholds are defined either for quantity, rate or amount, and captured data is outside of thresholds when comparing to purchase order data, autoprocessing was not failing. The logic has been enhanced to make sure that discrepancies that are outside of defined thresholds will leader to failure of autoprocessing so that end user will have a chance to verify the vendor bill and decide how they want to proceed with the particular vendor bill.
SC-3383 Bill to process records are not unlocked even if no longer edited by another user
ZoneCapture offers a feature where bill to process records in the Incoming Transactions to be processed overview are greyed out in case other user is currently editing the record. This mechanism has been provided to avoid multiple users editing the same record and prevent from duplicated work. There were issues detected that in some scenarios records were greyed out even if certain user was not editing it anymore. The logic of unlocking records has been improved to minimize these issues to minimum.
SC-3396 Bill is not fully loaded when multiple bill to process records are opened at the same time
The intermittent issue has been identified when users are opening multiple bill to process records at the same time. After clicking PROCESS button in the Incoming Transactions overview on multiple records at the same time, not all records were loaded correctly - some vendor bills from time to time got stuck during loading, forcing end user to refresh page in order to continue with processing. The issue was caused by timeout at NetSuite side due to number of modules loaded. The logic has been improved on ZoneCapture side to minimize timeout occurrences. Please note that further enhancements are still in progress and in the next release of ZoneCapture bundle this issue should be fully solved. Version 2.14.0 will reduce the issue significantly.
SC-3642 Vendors subsidiaries not reflected correctly in microservice responsible for vendor/subsidiary matching
Changes in available subsidiaries for the vendor (in case of multisubsidiary vendors) were not reflected correctly while synchronizing data with microservice, resulting in syncing batches being created multiple times for the same vendor. The logic has been improved to correctly handle changes of available subsidiaries.
SC-3705 Empty subsidiary on bill to process record when using single email plugin
The issue has been identified in ZoneCapture version 2.13. for the scenario when PDFs were sent to generic (single) email plugin and the vendor matched based on master data in Netsuite was a multisubsidiary vendor. In this case the subsidiary field on the bill to process record was empty while the vendor has been selected. The matching logic has been fixed so that for matched multisubsidiary vendors the algorithm is now able to perform correctly subsidiary matching and in case a valid match is not found - the default logic will be executed (selection of primary subsidiary of the vendor).
SC-3730 Invalid captured vendor/subsidiary details causing issue in the flow of matching logic
In case of not clear PDF layout, it can occur that vendor/subsidiary data is not captured at all or it's captured as invalid data. Further checks have been added on ZoneCapture side to assess if captured data is valid and in the scenario when not sufficient data has been provided by OCR, matching algorithm is not executed at all to avoid false results.
SC-3760 Incorrect document type set for certain PDFs with multiple pages
The issue has been identified for PDFs with multiple pages in case some pages has been recognized as vendor credit document type and some as bill type. The logic has been improved to assess the document type based on the first page only as that will in most cases provide the most reliable results.
SC-3793 Vendors matched based on email domain are overwritten by next steps of matching algorithm
Inconsistent logic has been identified in vendor matching algorithm for PDFs sent via subsidiary specific email plugin. One of the first steps of the matching logic is to identify a vendor based on email domain of the sender of the email. In case the unique vendor has been found based on this criteria, the other matching steps were overwriting originally selected vendor. The logic has been improved and revised to make sure that the next matching steps arenot executed if the vendor has been already matched based on email domain name, what will also assure the result will not be overwritten.