ZoneCapture supports receiving of e-invoices via two channels:
- e-invoicing network (including the biggest one called PEPPOL), what is so called "true" e-invoicing and requires purchasing of ZoneCapture E-invoicing module,
- email that contains XML file in UBL format.
This article describes details about email plug-in that supports XML files in UBL format.
What is UBL File and why ZoneCapture supports it?
Universal Business Language (UBL) is a structured format in an XML file containing all the information about the invoice but in a defined and fixed structure. UBL ensures compatibility due to the electronic standard of formatting it provides and it reduces the costs associated with e-invoices. ZoneCapture except of supporting "true" e-invoicing, also will be covering of the flow of e-invoices in UBL format via email, mostly because of the new regulations regarding e-invoicing in Germany starting from 2025. Sending XML files in UBL format via email is one of the allowed flow in Germany for e-invoices, therefore ZoneCapture introduced the support for it.
Please note that UBL format is not only applicable for Germany though, therefore this solution can be used for e-invoices from other countries as well, as long as XML file is in this supported format.
In which scenario do I need to consider using UBL Email Plug-in?
In case some of your vendors intend to deliver e-invoices via email, meaning they would like to send XML file in UBL format to your AP inbox and you would like ZoneCapture to source data from the XML file instead of relying on scanning of the PDF file via OCR engine, then this dedicated email plug-in is a solution for you.
UBL files delivered via email are usually utilized in Germany and Netherlands.
Where do I find email address of UBL Email Plug-in?
As long as ZoneCapture bundle version installed on your NetSuite account is 2.14.0 or higher, then to find UBL Email address navigate to Customization > Plug-Ins > Manage Plug-Ins and in the section Email Capture Plugin find the one called ZC UBL Email Plugin. Email address can be copied directly from there.
How do I use UBL Email Plug-in?
If the customer decides to start using UBL email plugin, then as a first step make sure the email plugin is marked as active.
Navigate to Customization > Plug-Ins > Manage Plug-Ins and in the section Email Capture Plugin find the one called ZC UBL Email Plugin. Mark the checkbox visible next to the name of the email and click Save. After that the email address is ready to be used.
Email address accept emails that contains:
- one XML file,
- one XML file and one PDF file.
Emails that do not meet this criteria (e.g. email that contains only PDF file, email that contains multiple PDF or XML files) will generate an error and it will not be possible to process such records via ZoneCapture.
If the user would like to be notified about such errors, please enable existing ZoneCapture preference available in ZoneCapture Main Configuration called Send Auto-response When An Error Occurred for Captured Documents.
As long as a valid email is sent to dedicated email plug-in, then ZoneCapture will start processing the attachments. The logic reads XML file in UBL format and extracts data that will be used to automatically populate fields on the vendor bill.
If the PDF file is also attached to the original email, then ZoneCapture attaches it to the transaction and display it on the split screen. PDF in this case is acting only as an additional attachment, as data is sourced from the XML file.
When the logic is executed, end user will see bill to process record created in the Incoming Transactions to be Processed.
What data is extracted from XML file in UBL format?
By default ZoneCapture extracts the following details from XML file:
- vendor's master data such as name, tax registration number, email address, IBAN/bank account number. This data is used to automatically match the vendor, therefore make sure master data in NetSuite is in line with data inside XML file,
- buyer's master data such as name and tax registration number. This data is used to automatically match the subsidiary, therefore make sure master data in NetSuite is in line with data inside XML file,
- purchase order number,
- document number,
- document date and due date,
- document type (bill vs credit),
- amount,
- document lines (incl. item name, description, quantity, rate and amount).
What happens if invalid XML file is sent to UBL Email Plug-in?
UBL dedicated email plugin accepts emails that contains either 1 attachment (one XML File) or 2 attachments (one PDF file and one XML file). Only then ZoneCapture will start processing the attachments. As the first check the logic is validating XML file to determine if the file format is an actual UBL file. If the file does not meet requirements to be valid UBL file, then bill to process record will be created with the status Data Recognition Error. When that happens, please verify with your vendor what kind of format they are sending. If the XML they provide is not an actual UBL file format, then consider using standard ZoneCapture email plugin dedicated for scanning PDFs.
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