General Information
Release 2.3.0 has been released on the 23rd of May and contains enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
License Management System
This version introduces License Management System what means that without an active license generated at Zone&Co side, ZoneCapture cannot be used. The retrieval of the license after the bundle upgrade will be performed automatically, there is no action required from the users.
Details of the Licensing can be found here.
SC-1197 Extend Scan & Capture Standard Transaction Line Default functionality
Scan & Capture Transaction Line Default functionality has been extended with the new option for Text Matching Criteria: Apply to all lines. When selected, the rule will be applied to all vendor bills/credits for a particular vendor/subsidiary. “Text Item to Match” field will not be mandatory anymore, therefore default values can be applied to all lines instead of lines matching the description only.
SC-1292 Support tax codes in Transaction Line Default functionality
Scan & Capture Transaction Line Default functionality has been extended with the new field - tax code. It allows users to select the default tax code based on the matching criteria (description of the captured line, subsidiary, vendor, transaction type).
SC-1367 Possibility to deactivate PDF Split screen view
The new user preference has been added to allow disabling split screen view when using ZoneCapture application. When a particular user do not want to have a split screen loading by default, then this function can be disabled in Home/Set Preferences/ Custom Preferences. Mark the new checkbox DISABLE SPLIT SCREEN FUNCTIONALITY FOR SHOWING PDF to disable a split screen on bill to process screen, create vendor screen, create vendor bill/credit screen and on vendor bills/credit created via ZoneCature. The PDF can always be shown using the button Show/Hide PDF. This is a user preference, therefore marking this checkbox will be reflected for the particular user only.
SC-1872 Remove E-invoicing-related fields from the subsidiary record
The subsidiary record was holding custom fields related to e-invoicing coming from ZoneCapture bundle. These fields are no longer use for the configuration, therefore to clean up the subsidiary record, the custom fields are now removed from the record.
SC-1984 Clickable PDF for field types email, phone number, url
The clickable PDF functionality on the create vendor bill and create vendor screens has been extended to support special field types: email, phone number, url. As long as the data on the PDF meet the format criteria for these types of fields, clickable PDF functionality can be used now to copy values from PDF to fields.
SC-1985 Store email plugin name on the bill to process record
To provide more visibility for audit purposes a new field has been introduced on the bill to process record: Email Capture Plugin. It stores the name of the email plugin to which the particular PDF has been sent to. The field can be added to the Incoming saved search to provide more visibility for users about the flow of the incoming record.
SC-2037 Autoresponse on error - extend support for UNPROCESSED_ATTACHMENTS tag
The Autoresponse feature provides an option to be notified if any email sent to ZoneCapture could not be processed. In the email template for this autoresponse the following tags can be used: UNPROCESSED_ATTACHMENTS. Tag will be populated with file names also in case when an email without a single PDF has been sent to ZoneCapture email plugin. As long as this email contains files like .doc, .xml, .xlsx, .csv., .xls, .zip and at the same time no PDF, then UNPROCESSED_ATTACHMENTS tag will list not processed file names in the autoresponse.
SC-2042 Enhanced UI > Custom Saved Search > Support of checkbox fields
Support for checkbox field type in custom saved search using under the ZoneCapture portlet has been added. When enhanced UI is enabled and custom saved search contains a checkbox field, the UI is now loading correctly presenting a checkbox field.
SC-2060 Translation for Manual Upload page
The new Manual Upload Bill to Process page introduced in 2.2.0 version has been translated. All fields have been translated into the following languages: Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Spanish, and Swedish.
SC-2122 Use custom Subsidiary Database saved search when a Single email plugin is configured
When single email plugin functionality is used, the support for customization of the subsidiaries that are synced with the OCR station has been introduced. It is now possible to customize the list of subsidiaries that are being pushed to the OCR data base - if needed, this action can be performed by the implementation consultant.
SC-2188 E-invoice Outbound - new option in sourcing tax rate
The new option has been introduced to cover a use case when tax rate on the transaction line in NetSuite does not correspond to the tax rate assigned in the tax code definition. If in a result of customizations applied in the NetSuite account the tax rate on the lines is not equal to the tax rate defined in the tax code, the following feature can be enabled: Scan&Capture > Subsidiary Setup> tab: E-Documents> Overwrite Tax Rate for transaction lines. Mark this checkbox only if you need to source tax rates for outbound e-invoices directly from transaction lines instead of the definition of tax codes. In standard cases when the tax rate is sourced from tax code definition, this checkbox should not be marked.
SC-2211 Change Formula (text) into Formula (HTML) in the Searched in the bundle
As advised by NetSuite after the release of 2023.1 version, Formula (text) fields has been switched to Formula (HTML) where applicable in saved searches in ZoneCapture bundle.
SC-2218 Set max width of certain columns in new UI
When using enhanced UI for ZoneCapture portlet, to avoid subsidiary and vendor columns expanding excessively (in case the value in the column is very long), the max width of 32 characters has been implemented. These columns will not expand excessively anymore to make new UI more readable.
SC-2223 Support HTML formula field type in enhanced UI for Incoming transactions
NetSuite 2023.1 version introduced a new field type - HTML formula. This field type is now also supported when using enhanced UI for the Incoming transactions, so the field value will be displayed correctly for HTML formula.
Bug Fixes
SC-2063 Enhanced UI: clicking on the columns of Subsidiary and Supplier does not sort the values alphabetically
When using enhanced UI for ZoneCapture portlet, values presented in the filters dropdown were not sorted alphabetically. This has been fixed now, together with the scenario when clicking on the column Subsidiary and Vendor columns - values are sorted alphabetically now as well.
SC-2081 Matching more than 3 POs causes the column to expand excessively
When using enhanced UI for ZoneCapture portlet, in the scenario when multiple POs have been matched, the column was expanding excessively. This issue is fixed now and the column shows up to 5 purchase orders. If more purchase orders are connected to bill to process then the button (more…) is shown allowing to view all purchase orders.
SC-2090 Saved Search with Task related fields is not working with the new Enhanced UI
There was an issue with displaying the new enhanced UI for custom saved searches referencing to the custom CRM fields (custevent). The issue is fixed now and the Incoming transactions are displayed correctly.
SC-2120 INVALID_FLD_VALUE Invalid number or percentage error when processing bills
In the use case when clickable PDF autolearning feature was used for field types Currency, in certain scenarios users received an error about an invalid number. The issue is fixed now and the feature is able to handle this field type.
SC-2177 Filtering based on ID does not work in new UI
When using enhanced UI for ZoneCapture portlet, there was an issue with filtering out records based on internal ID. The issue is fixed now and records can be filtered based on internal ID.
SC-2178 SUPPRESS VAT ON INCOMING TRANSACTIONS is blocking creation of all captured lines
When the feature of suppressing VAT on incoming transactions was used, then the application was not showing correctly all captured lines with captured descriptions. The issue is fixed now so that captured lines are created when using suppress of VAT feature.
SC-2181 When export results from new UI, internal ids instead of values are exported
When using enhanced UI for ZoneCapture portlet and export to CSV is used, certain columns were exported with internal IDs of values instead of text, what was not readable for the users. The issue is fixed now and actual values are exported.
SC-2202 When export results from new UI, the time stamp is not exported
When using enhanced UI for ZoneCapture portlet and export to CSV is used, the timestamp was not exported for date fields. The issue is fixed now and the full date with the timestamp is now available for export.
SC-2222 Currency warning does not work anymore
The feature of the currency warning mismatch for standalone bills was not working in the previous version of ZoneCapture. The issue has been fixed and the currency mismatch is now highlighted correctly for users processing vendor bills/credits.