General Information
We are really pleased to announce the 2.0.0 release of the Scan & Capture SuiteApp. This release brings a lot of changes in functionality and setup options. On this page, we explain all the implemented changes and where needed explain the new functionality deeper on a separate page. The 2.0.0 release will bring besides new functionality also an improvement in user experience which is focused on the general processing speed and saving operation time. Upgrade will happen in stages and due to the fact this release is a major release, it could take some time before your account will be upgraded. If you have questions regarding timelines you can always contact our support team. Upgrading the sandbox account can be done manually at a time it fits your company's needs.
Release Video
Sit back and watch summary of the release, brought to you by our Product Manager:
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New Features
Redesigned Setup Records
The setup records have been redesigned in this release and are now all native NetSuite records which also will provide a full audit trail. The records are built in such a way that they are all modular which allows the creation of a simple setup or a real specific setup when needed. The records do now follow a hierarchy that will be checked from the bottom upwards. This means that when there is a specific subsidiary-related setup this will prevail above the general setup record. With this full flexibility is provided so that when needed each subsidiary can have its own settings for email, folder storage, and defaulting. The update will automatically convert the existing configuration to this new record layout. More information regarding the records can be found under the setup section from the knowledge base.
Email Logic and Storage
In this release we have introduces a fully new design in how the Scan & Capture application processes and stores email inside NetSuite. Besides this, we have also introduced a new option to inform senders regarding the status of processing. Below we explain for each section the implemented changes.
Email Storage
The Scan & Capture SuiteApp will from now on record each email message in NetSuite as an actual message record. This brings the benefit that each email can be connected automatically as an email message under the communication tab of the generated transaction. This message record will contain the full email message that was sent to the system including all potential attachments. The connection of the email message to the created transaction can be configured by navigating to Setup > Scan & Capture > Scan & Capture Main Configuration section “Storage Settings” or by navigating to Setup > Scan & Capture > Scan & Capture Subsidiary Setup section “Storage Settings”.
Please note that to be able to access the message record on the generated transaction (Vendor Bill/Credit), the user needs permission “Track Messages”. Role > Permissions > Lists >“Track Messages” at least on the “View” level.
Email Auto-Response
In this release, we provide new functionality that allows the system to automatically send a reply to the email sender to inform them that the email was received and processed. This feature can also inform the original sender if their email could not be processed or was processed potentially partially. With this option, it is possible to inform the email sender at all times and if wanted the auto-response can be extended with an additional email address. The automated feedback email can be defined with a standard NetSuite email template so that this email can be designed to follow the company branding and tone of voice for communication. This new functionality can be found under Setup > Scan & Capture > Scan & Capture Main Configuration subtab OCR > Email Autoresponse Settings for the single email plugin setup and also under Setup > Scan & Capture > Scan & Capture Subsidiary Setup subtab OCR > Email Autoresponse Settings for subsidiary specific settings. The email templates and how to customize them can be found here.
PDF Storage Settings
This release brings new functionality that allows defining a PDF storage folder per subsidiary. After your system is updated the Scan & Capture Main Configuration will still be leading, but it is possible to define a different folder for each subsidiary setup configuration when needed. This change can be made by navigating to Setup > Scan & Capture > Subsidiary Setup subtab “Storage Settings”.
Subsidiary Bank Details
From this release onwards we provide the option to define multiple bank details entries per subsidiary where one entry will be the primary. With this, we provide the option to set different bank details to be included in the e-invoice. With a simple workflow, the selection can be further automated so that full defaulting can be achieved. If support is needed to implement this then please reach out to our support team.
The autoprocessing feature is back and provides now support to auto processing incoming transactions that are expense-related (standalone vendor bills). The auto processing option can be enabled on the Scan & Capture Main Configuration or the Scan & Capture Subsidiary Configuration. Standalone transactions (not related to Purchase Orders) will be processed without any additional checks but will invoke potentially created configurations for transaction line defaulting.
Custom Field Mapping
In this release, we have introduced a new feature that allows the consultant to remap the default behavior so that specific fields can be populated with captured when this is needed. For example, this option could provide the configuration that we populate the captured invoice date from the PDF into a custom date field instead of the default NetSuite date field. If you are interested in or would like to use this custom field mapping then please reach out to our support team.
Program Improvements
PDF Scanning Time
In the previous version scanning a new PDF document did take around 30 to 45 minutes depending on when the document reached the system. This release brings a new processing logic that brings this scanning time down to 5 to 15 minutes.
Creation Time of a New Transaction
In this version, we have changed the logic deployed on the vendor bill and vendor credit that was triggered during the creation of a new transaction. This change will provide a faster saving operation and a better user experience.
Removal of Subsidiary Fields
In the previous version, all e-invoice-related setup fields were located on the native NetSuite subsidiary record. In this version, all the fields have been removed and transported to the custom SCAN & CAPTURE SUBSIDIARY record. During the upgrade, the system will automatically transport all settings.
We have added in this release a new language Norwegian and extended the translations to the dashboard portal that now also will be translated into the user's language.
Option to Disable Purchase Order Line-level Validation
In this version, we provide a new configuration option that allows disabling the line-level coloring while the logic itself will still be activated. This new setting can be found by navigating to Setup > Scan & Capture > Scan & Capture Main Configuration section “Purchase Order Settings” or by navigating to Setup > Scan & Capture > Scan & Capture Main Setup section “Purchase Order Settings”.
Reject Option on the Vendor Bill
In this version we provide an additional option that allows rejecting Incoming Transactions to Processed directly during editing the Vendor Bill/Credit. The new button “Reject” is now visible on the Vendor Bill/Credit form. Reject option on the Bill to Process record and in the Incoming Transactions to be Processed saved search remains without changes.
Split Screen During Creation of the Vendors via Bill to Process Screen
In this version the split screen visible during the creation of the vendors via Bill to Process screen is re-introduced. It was temporarily removed in 1.85.0. Starting from 2.0.0 version you again have an option to see the split screen with PDF file on the left-hand side. To reach the screen during editing of the Bill to Process record hover over actions and select Create Vendor. The option is available only if the Vendor field is empty on the Bill to Process screen.
Changes in the Incoming Transactions to be Processed Saved Search
ACTION REQUIRED only if you use custom saved search in the Scan&Capture portlet, under section Incoming.
In this version few changes have been made to the saved search Scan & Capture Incoming purchase transactions to be processed.
If you use a standard saved search under the Scan&Capture portlet (section Incoming), the new saved search will be applied automatically during the bundle upgrade. No action is required.
If you have customized the default saved search under the Scan&Capture portlet (section Incoming), please remove currently used custom saved search, check our new saved search and from there adjust it further if needed. How to adjust the default saved search we described here.
Steps to follow:
- Navigate to Setup > Company > General Preferences > Custom Preferences tab
- If the field “Incoming Saved Search ID” is empty, then NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. Skip the rest of the steps.
- If the field “Incoming Saved Search ID” is populated, then remove the value and click Save.
- Navigate to Scan&Capture portlet and click Incoming section and check our new saved search.
- If changes are still required to this saved search, then click Edit this Search button and configure it according to your requirements.
- Save the customized search, edit it again, note the ID of the saved search and copy this ID back to the Custom preferences from step 1.
- If unsure, continue with a standard guideline for custom saved searches Configure your own saved searches.
Improved Logic for Send E-Document Button
In this version the logic changed for “Send E-Document” button. There are 3 possible labels of this button:
- Send E-Document → if this button is available it means that you can send e-invoice for the first time to your customer
- Sending E-Document in progress → if this button is available, it means that our script is currenlty in progress and the document is being submitted to the e-invoicing network. Please wait ~15min for the results
- Resend E-document → if this button is available it means that at least 1 attempt of sending this e-invoice has already been done, so make sure that you want to send e-document one more time
Permission Changes
New Script for Manual Upload of Bill to Process
ACTION REQUIRED to allow custom roles to upload the PDF file manually in case of Manual upload of vendor bills
In this version, the script responsible for the manual upload of PDF invoices has changed. You may want to allow users with your own custom role to upload the bills manually by navigating to Transactions > Scan & Capture > Manually Upload Bill To Process. In order to do that, you need to include this custom role in the Audience of the deployment of the new script called FF SC SL Manually Upload Bill to Process.
To add the privileges for the custom role, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts
- Sort the list of the scripts by Name and find FF SC SL Manually Upload Bill to Process. Click View on the line.
- Navigate to Deployments subtab and click on the title of the deployment.
- Edit the Script Deployment and add the desired role in the Audience subtab. Save your changes.
Depreciated Features
Deprecation of the UBL Creation Feature
In this version we stop supporting UBL files. The feature Get UBL File / UBL File Creation for customer invoices and credit memos as part of the Scan & Capture has been depreciated. Because of the very limited use of the mentioned feature, as well as our aim to advocate moving to true e-invoicing, we are deprecating this feature as of release 2.0 of the Scan & Capture. This means you will no longer be able to have UBL files created from customer invoices and credit memo's, as well as emailing them as part of a workflow.
Alternate solutions:
- Zone's E-invoicing capabilities are a more robust, modern and future proof way of e-invoicing.
- NetSuite's Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp provides similar functionality.
Removing of EFF_NSP2P - XML2NS Transaction PDF (custbody_eff_nsp2p_xml2nstrans_pdf)
The field EFF_NSP2P - XML2NS Transaction PDF (field ID = custbody_eff_nsp2p_xml2nstrans_pdf) has been removed from the bundle. If you are using this field in any workflow/script/saved search that you have created on your own, please be aware that the field does not exist anymore. The new field in which the PDF is stored on the Bill to Process record is custrecord_eff_nsp2p_trans_pdffile.
Failed Incoming List Saved Search Depreciation
The feature ‘Failed Incoming list' has been removed since the version 2.0.0. This type of record is no longer recorded via our application. It is however possible to enable the Release 2.0.0 | Email autoresponse instead. We believe this new functionality provides better use case for emails with documents that failed to reach the processing queue. Simply enable the notification to send an alert email if there were errors with the original message. You can also fill in your company email in the CC field, this way not only the sender (your vendor/supplier) will get this warning , but also the email you put in CC, so you get a copy and you are immediately notified and alerted what is going on. On top of that, you have a chance (and we highly recommend that) to customize the email template that goes out to your supplier, allow you to add any details you found important. The email templates and how to customize them can be found here.