This page explains how to create email templates.
General information
The Scan & Capture SuiteApp provides the option to send automatically feedback emails regarding the processing state of a received email. By default, the SuiteApp will be using predefined hard-coded templates which can be customized to fully fit the company’s branding and tone of voice. In this document, we explain step by step how to create a custom email template and highlight all the available data that could be used in the template.
Create a new email template
To create a new email template navigate to DOCUMENTS->TEMPLATES->EMAIL TEMPLATES->NEW. A new page will open where the new template can be designed. The actual design is something that can be a simple plain text email or if more effort is used a really nice fully customized HTML email with CSS options. This document will not explain how to create such an email, but it will explain the options and data that is available to create a correct insight for the receiver.
Main data
Start with the header fields and populate them as follow:
- ID: This field can be left empty so that NetSuite will automatically create a script id, or you can define your own. Recommended is to enter here “_ff_sc_succes_response” or “_ff_sc_error_response”.
- Name: Enter here a name that clearly identifies the purpose of this specific email template.
- Record type: Select in the dropdown the option “Custom Record”.
- Description: This field is not mandatory, but for a correct overview we recommend entering here a description that explains the purpose of this email template.
- Inactive: Leave this unchecked. When enable the system will not be able to use the email template.
- Automatically converted template: Leave this unchecked
The top of the page should look similar to the print screen below.
Template data
The next step is to actually design the template that will be responsible for the content of the email that will be sent as a response to the sender. The Scan & Capture SuiteApp comes with some special automation that can populate specific data based on “Special Tags” that are defined in the template. When a special tag is inside the template it will be replaced with the actual data it represents. Below is a list of the existing special tags and their purpose.
Special Tag | Explanation |
ORIGINAL_EMAIL_SUBJECT | This tag will be replace with the original email subject from the receive email. The tag can be used only in the Subject field |
NOTSAVED_ATTACHMENTS | This tag will generate automatically a line for each document that was attached to the email which the application could not process for some reason. This data can be really handy for the original sender so the are aware which documents potentially did not reach the receiver. |
UNPROCESSED_ATTACHMENTS | This tag will generate automatically a line for each document that was attached to the email which the application could not process for some reason. This data can be really handy for the original sender so they are aware which documents potentially did not reach the receiver. |
PROCESSED_ATTACHMENTS | This tag will generate automatically a line for each document that was attached to the email which the application was able to process. This data can be included to inform the sender with more detailed data. |
FOLDER_ID | This tag will be replaced with the internal id from the folder where the receive attachments are stored. |
Success email example
Below is an example of how potentially a notification email could look like that has been processed successfully.
Error email example
Below is an example of how potentially a notification email could look like that has been processed with errors.
Restrict access
This section should not be changed otherwise there is a risk that the application isn’t able to correctly use the designed template and the email notification could fail due to this.
- Private: Leave this checkbox unchecked
- Restrict to group: Leave this dropdown empty
This section is optional and could be used if wanted. The following settings would be the recommended settings.
- Add unsubscribe link to message footer in bulk merges: Leave this checkbox unchecked.
- Add company address to message footer in bulk merges: Leave this checkbox unchecked.
- Campaign domain: Leave this dropdown empty.
- Subscription: Leave this dropdown empty.