General Information
Version 2.7.0 was released on the 16th of January and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Further improvements for GenAI automated field population
Autopopulation of fields by GenAI logic that has been introduced in version 2.6.0 is further improved.
It is not necessary anymore to have ZC GenAI Vendor Field Mapping record created per vendor per field for GenAI logic to work. The general setup relies on ZC GenAI Field record now. Please note that there are no changes required on your side. The adjustment of the logic is applied on upgrade/install of 2.7.0 version.
We highly recommend reading further about ZoneCapture GenAI feature here
Bug Fixes
SC-2635 Incorrect Status displayed for Partially Received POs
Purchase orders connected to bill to process record that are in the status “Partially Received” while Bill in advance of receipt is not enabled, should not be marked as Ready for Processing in the Incoming list. The logic has been fixed on our side and these purchase orders are now correctly displayed with the status PO(s) Pending Approval/Receipt
SC-2657 Unexpected Error displayed when captured description contains special character
End users were not able to process Bill to Process records when a captured description of line contains special characters: "

The issue is fixed now and such vendor bills can be correctly saved, without resulting in unexpected error.