GenAI is a feature in ZoneCapture that can understand your NetSuite environment and the incoming transactions. With this knowledge, it can automatically populate nearly all fields on your vendor transactions and does this without any configuration. It is possible to interact with GenAI and configure it on the following levels
- Enable/Disable on a general level
- Enable/Disable on vendor level
- Enable/Disable on field level
- Interact with the results on the field level
The following benefits are provided by GenAI
- No configuration or onboarding is needed - it works out of the box
- GenAI doesn’t just recognize but understands your data (and what to do with it)
- Language barriers are broken down
- Technology grows and adapts with your company automatically
In this article, a deeper explanation will be provided on how to configure GenAI and how to interact with it.
GenAI enabled notification
When your NetSuite account is upgraded all users will see a notification on the incoming purchase transactions overview page. The notification will be shown every time the page is loaded and the user can remove this message by checking the checkbox "Don't show this message again". This notification is shown as follows.
Difference example
In this section, an example is provided where the difference is visible between before and after GenAI is enabled in the NetSuite environment
In the before example we can see that the accounts are defaulting to a standard setup and that other fields aren't populated with any kind of information.
After GenAI is enabled there is a difference in data that is populated. In the example, it is visible that accounts were selected correctly automatically and that GenAI was able to populate other fields that are present on the vendor bill. In the department field, it is visible that not all lines are populated. GenAI will not touch fields where it isn't sure what to populate. This decision is made based on a preset threshold. It is possible to increase or decrease this threshold together with the implementation consultant.
Reverse GenAI
When GenAI is enabled in the system and for the vendor ZoneCapture will apply the GenAI field population automatically. When the vendor bill or vendor credit is loaded the user can rollback the GenAI field population if this is needed. To perform a rollback the user simply presses the grey button labeled "Reverse AI". The system will ask for confirmation because all potential manual changes will be lost upon reversal. After proceeding the page will reload and will be presented without the GenAI field population. If as a user you would like to load again the vendor transaction with GenAI then it is necessary to press process again from the incoming purchase transaction overview.
Enable/Disable on a general level
It is possible to enable or disable GenAI for the whole NetSuite environment with a simple configuration parameter. By default, GenAI is enabled for the whole NetSuite environment and all vendors. This parameter and the explanation of how to use it can be found on the page ZoneCapture Main Configuration.
Enable/Disable on vendor level
It is possible to enable or disable GenAI for a particular vendor. By default, GenAI is enabled on all vendors but can be changed with a simple configuration parameter. This parameter and the explanation of how to use it can be found on the page Vendor and Customer Configuration.
Enable/Disable on field level
ZoneCapture allows to change GenAI behavior per field, vendor and transaction type. With this, the end user can decide in full which fields should be automatically populated by GenAI.
To customize the logic per field globally for all vendors open the record called ZC GenAI Field.
After opening this page the list of all fields configured for GenAI is displayed.
If any field is missing please verify if the following step might need to be still executed.
Click Edit on the selected field in case you want to further customize it.
On this record, the following options can be altered:
- Pre-Population Deactivated: When this checkbox is enabled the GenAI technology will not try to populate the field with any values. GenAI will not be executed for this field.
- GenAI Field Context: In this field, it is possible to provide additional information regarding the field to assist the GenAI to better understand what is expected to be populated. It is also possible to ask the GenAI to populate the field value in a specific way. For example: “Please translate it into English".
- Enable Preprocessing of Data: The field is only available for dropdowns (field type: List/Record). When marked it provides an option to extend GenAI logic to first try to extract certain information from fully captured text and then select the best match from the dropdown. It is recommended to mark it only if fully captured text (full description of the line for lines or full invoice text for header fields) needs to be first preprocessed to find the match inside dropdown values.
Moreover, on each vendor record there is an option to generate custom GenAI Field Mapping that allows altering the standard behavior per field per vendor. How to interact with these settings can be found on the page Vendor and Customer Configuration.
Interact with the results on the field level
By default, GenAI learns from your NetSuite environment by reading the field name and field-level help. In most situations, this information is sufficient for GenAI to make correct logical choices on which it will populate the line-level fields. Sometimes it can happen that as an end user, you would expect a different outcome. GenAI can receive additional information that allows it to understand better what your expectations are or how the data should be populated. You should see GenAI at this moment as an actual human to whom you are communicating.
To put this into context let's assume that on the description from the line level from the PDF the following description is present:
Contratto Nr. \C526-542636\ Macchina: trapano Nr. Serie \GS32MD - 2701\ Noleggio dal \01/06/23 \ al \31/07/23\ 55.08 PIATTAFORMA VERTICALE ELETTRICA 8MT
- When we have a field named "Contract Number" GenAI will populate this with the value C526-542636. If we ask in the additional context the following: "Please prefix with an #" then GenAI will populate the value "#C526-542636".
- When we have a field named "Machine" GenAI will populate this field with the value "trapano". If we ask in the additional context the following: "Please translate to English" then GenAI will populate "Drill"
- When we have a field named "Invoice Period" GenAI will populate this field with the value "01/06/23 31/07/23". If we ask in the additional context the following: "Provide response in number of days" then GenAI will populate "61"
The field mapping record explanation can be found on the page Vendor and Customer Configuration
Generate or update GenAI mappings
By default, ZoneCapture generates all the necessary configurations and updates these every Saturday during the night. When a new field or dropdown option is created on the vendor bill or vendor credit this schedule could result in a delay before GenAI starts to utilize the new data. It is possible to instantly update this learning data. How this can be achieved is explained on the page Generate or update GenAI mappings