This page explains how to configure an email plugin.
General information
The Scan & Capture SuiteApp uses the native NetSuite email plugin to be able to receive email messages that contain documents applicable for scanning. The incoming email is automatically captured and transformed into a message record which can be connected to the created transaction depending on your configuration settings. Also, it is possible to create automated data processing feedback email that is explained in the Scan & Capture Main Configuration and the Scan & Capture Subsidiary Configuration. The created email plugin can be used as a single email capture plugin or as an individual email capture plugin depending on where the plugin will be defined. Setting up the email plugin if for both purposes exactly the same.
Creating the email plugin
To create an email plugin navigate to CUSTOMIZATION->PLUG-INS->PLUGIN IMPLEMENTATIONS->NEW. A new page will open. Select in the page in the dropdown the script named “generalEmailPL.js” and press the blue button labeled “Create Plugin-in Implementation”.
Select on the new screen that loads the option named “Email Capture”.
On the screen that opens populate first the following fields:
- Name: Set here a name that clearly identifies the purpose of this specific email plugin. For example “S&C General Email Plugin” or “S&C your subsidiary name Email Plugin”.
- ID: This field can be left empty so that NetSuite will automatically create a script id, or you can define your own. Recommended is to enter here “_ff_sc_general_plugin” or “_ff_sc_yoursubsidiaryname_plugin”.
- Status: Select in the dropdown the option “Released”.
- Log level: Select in the dropdown the option “Debug”.
- Execute as role: Select in the dropdown the option “Current Role”.
- Description: This field is not mandatory, but for a correct overview we recommend entering here a description that explains the purpose of this email plugin.
Now navigate to the subtab named “Scripts” and select in the Libraries list the script that is named “ulidLoaderHelper.js” and press on the line “Add”. The page should look similar to the screenshot below.
Choosing a different library script other than ulidLoaderHelper.js will lead to errors while processing the vendor bills.
When all fields are double-checked press the blue button labeled “Save” to create the new email plugin.
Enable the email plugin
When a new email plugin is created the email plugin is not automatically enabled by NetSuite and will reject all emails sent to it. To enable the newly created email plugin navigate to CUSTOMIZATION->PLUG-INS->MANAGE PLUG-INS. A new page will open that shows all the existing email plugins from your NetSuite environment. In this list, the newly created email plugin should be visible. To enable the email plugin check the checkbox for that email plugin and press save.
Extracting the email address: On the page below the internal NetSuite email address is visible. This is the email address to where the emails can be send that do contain data that should be scanned. We recommend not to expose this email address to the outside world and recommend to create in your email client a forwarder so that for example do forward the emails to the internal NetSuite email address.
Now that the email plugin is created and enabled it can be used as an option on the Scan & Capture Main Configuration and the Scan & Capture Subsidiary Configuration.
- If the email is connected in the Scan&Capture Subsidiary Configuration, then it is a subsidiary-dedicated email plugin that will assign the particular subsidiary to all documents sent to this email address.
- If the email is connected in the Scan&Capture Main Configuration, then it is a single email plugin. Please find details below.
Single email plugin setup
The Scan & Capture SuiteApp also provides support for a single email plugin setup that is shared between all subsidiaries. With the single email plugin set up, the scanning station will try to identify not only the vendor but also the subsidiary. When this setup is chosen it's still possible to also use the email per subsidiary setup, so both options can be used at the same time. When using the single email plugin setup, it’s extra important to make sure that the subsidiary information within NetSuite is holding the correct subsidiary data.
Subsidiary information
The scanning station is using the basic data from the subsidiary to determine the subsidiary. The synchronized information the system uses can be found by opening the search that is named “Abbyy Business Units Database”. The following fields from the subsidiary record are important to populate correctly and should match the information that can be found on the vendor bill.
- Legal name (id: legalname)
- Name (only if legal name is empty id: namenohierarchy)
- City (from address)
- Street (from address)
- Zip (from address)
- Country code (from address)
- VAT registration NO (id: federalidnumber)
Sandbox behavior
When the sandbox environment is updated from the live environment NetSuite will also copy the created email plugins but it will not copy the internal email address, this will automatically be changed by NetSuite. Keep in mind that after each sandbox refresh the actual internal email address will change, so these will not remain equal after the sandbox refresh.