Sending E-invoices from Dutch subsidiary requires a specific setup that is explained below.
This setup is needed to meet e-invoicing network (PEPPOL) validations.
Before you try to send E-invoice from Dutch subsidiary, check if all points mentioned below are configured correctly.
Configuration of the sender (subsidiary)
The sender of the e-invoice is the subsidiary in NetSuite.
As the first step the entity needs to be setup in the e-invoicing network by Zone&Co team using entity endpoint ID and Tax registration number.
To meet PEPPOL validations the following setup is recommended:
Endpoint ID: Actual Dutch KVK number of the subsidiary (Kamer van Koophandel)
Endpoint Scheme: Dutch Kamer van Koophandel (NL:KVK, prefix 0106)
Tax ID: Actual VAT number of the subsidiary
Tax Scheme: Netherlands VAT number
The same details needs to be populated in NetSuite on ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup records/ E-Documents tab
Configuration of the recipient (customer)
The recipient of e-invoice is represented by the Customer record in NetSuite.
It needs to be referenced through e-invoicing endpoint Id (unique identifier used in PEPPOL e-invoicing network). You need to obtain this number from your customer or you can search for it directly in PEPPOL network
In the Netherlands most entities are using the following PEPPOL identifier:
-Dutch Kamer van Koophandel
Then the following details should be populated on the customer record in NetSuite, ZoneCapture tab:
Configuration of subsidiary bank details
To meet PEPPOL validation rule NL-R-008*, the recommended way to configure ZoneCapture Subsidiary Bank Details is to use IBAN and Payment Means = Credit Transfer.
Navigate to ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup/ Subsidiary Bank Details tab and click New. Populate details of your subsidiary bank following the pattern shown in the print screen below.
*NL-R-008: For suppliers in the Netherlands, the payment means code (cac:PaymentMeans/cbc:PaymentMeansCode) MUST be one of 30, 48, 49, 57, 58 or 59
Recommended Payment Means Credit Transfer corresponds to the code equal to 30.