General Information
Version 2.14.3 was released on the 6th of January and contains one enhancement. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-3846 Support Emails with XML File only for UBL Files (hybrid e-invoicing)
Enhancement has been implemented to hybrid E-invoicing introduced in ZoneCapture version 2.14.0. Dedicated Email Plug-In for UBL Files supports now also emails with XML File only, meaning PDF File is not required anymore to create bill to process record.
When an email with 1 XML File in UBL format is sent to the dedicated UBL Email Plug-in, then bill to process record will be successfully created based on data included in the XML File. Please note that as PDF has not been provided by the sender of the email, the split screen will display a notification for the end user about missing PDF.
End user can process the transaction as usual and data used for the prepopulation of the vendor bill is sourced directly from the XML File in the UBL format.
The use case for the emails that contains 1 XML File and 1 PDF File is still supported without any changes - in case both PDF and XML File are provided, XML File is used to prepopulation of the vendor bill data and PDF is presented on the split screen as an additional attachment.