General Information
Release 2.0.2 has been released on the 16th of September and contains several bug fixes and a new feature. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
New Features
SC-1688 Improve Purchase order matching algorithm
This version introduces new option in the Scan & Capture Main Configuration under the subtab Purchase order settings: Captured subsidiary from the email plugin will prevail. The checkbox is by default disabled. When enabled the purchase order matching algorithm will use the captured subsidiary from the email plugin as a priority and use it to filter out purchase orders to be matched. It means that the application will not overwrite the subsidiary if the captured purchase order number does exist under different subsidiary.
Bug Fixes
SC-1685 Adjustment in the algorithm pushing subsidiaries and vendors to OCR station
In certain situations when single email plugin is being used in the Scan&Capture Main Configuration, it could happen that not all subsidiaries and vendors were pushed to OCR station. This version resolved the issue and all needed master data is being sent to OCR station for matching purposes.
SC-1690 Issues with sending e-invoices
In certain situations, the script FF SC MR Basware Send Documents was erroRing out causing issues with sending e-invoices. This version resolved the issue and sending e-invoices should be possible for all types of accounts.
SC-1692 Migration script to be adjusted in case there is no Abbyy XML attached
The migration script responsible for transforming old bill to process records into new records compatible with 2.0. version was not working correctly. In a specific use case when not processed incoming transaction was not holding Abbyy XML file, the migrated process status was incorrect. This version resolved the issue and the process status of these types of records is correct.
SC-1695 Empty error message when the vendor has training field mapping
The empty error message was visible during processing of vendor bills. The issue was caused by the vendor trained field mapping created for fields not available for all vendor bill forms. This version resolved the issue and end users should not encounter empty error message anymore.