General Information
ZoneCapture comes out of the box with a full 3-way match functionality that provides full insights in the 3-way match before saving the vendor bill. It is possible to fully define what kind of behavior the 3-way match should follow with options like:
- Thresholds for quantity, rate, and amount
- Captured data prevails
- PO data prevails
- Set the maximum billable to what has been received
- And much more
Besides all these in-depth configuration options, the 3-way match provides a next-level UI experience that will guide and assist the user in every potential way so it is always clear where the issues are and what the potential expected values should be. Also, a drag-and-drop feature is present that allows users to manually connect purchase order lines with scanned lines. On top of this, additional cost or freight lines can be added with just a single click.
Main Application Information
The ZoneCapture 3-way match provides the user with many different configuration options that can also be set on different levels. The following levels allow setting configuration options (ordered from most important to less important)
On every level, it will be possible to define the following settings:
- Purchase Order Data Prevails
- Captured Data Prevails
- Threshold Settings Prevail
When the user enters a new vendor bill, the application will check each individual transaction line for which configuration to apply. This process is explained in the flowchart below.
To get more information regarding the setup please click on the hyperlinks of one of the configuration levels above.
Enabling 3-Way Matching
By default, the new 3-Way Matching logic is not enabled and must be enabled manually. If the old legacy 3-Way matching is currently used, the system will disable it automatically when the new functionality is enabled. It is possible to switch back and forward or even have specific subsidiaries deviate from the used logic.
Enabling the 3-Way Matching can be done on the Main Configuration level or Subsidiary Configuration level. On both configuration records a new subtab named "3-Way Matching" will be visible. Under this subtab, a checkbox can be found that is named "Enable 3-Way Matching". For the other configuration options that are available please click the hyperlinks in this paragraph.
Once enabled, the user will see a new button under the subtab that shows the item lines for "3-Way Matching" on the vendor bill during creation. When pressed, the user will get a new popup that provides in-depth information regarding the 3-Way Matching process.
Enabling 3-Way Matching Summary
ZoneCapture provides the option to show a 3-Way Matching Summary. This summary is generated by ZoneCapture after the transaction is saved and will provide auditable information regarding the 3-Way Matching. This summary clarifies where there were or weren't differences. Also, it will tell what the difference was and if it was within the threshold.
By default, the 3-Way Matching Summary is not shown on any of the forms and must be enabled manually. To enable this summary, navigate in the main menu to Customizations > Forms > Sublists. On this page enter a new line with the following information:
Search: ZC 3-Way Matching Summary Results
Label: 3-Way Matching Summary
Tab: ZoneCapture:3 Way Matching
Purchase: Checked
After this step, load a vendor bill that was recently processed by ZoneCapture with 3-Way Matching and check if the subtab is visible. If this is not the situation, the form must be adjusted to show the subtab. To do this press the blue button edit on the vendor bill and on the right hand side select "Customize Form". On this page to the subtab named "Tab", check if needed to the checkbox for ZoneCapture.
Now navigate to the subtab labeled "Sublists" and then the subtab labeld "ZoneCapture". Check if needed to the checkbox named "Show" for 3-Way Matching.
Now the 3-Way Matching Summary should be visible. If this is not the situation it could be that the current used user role doesn't have permission to view the 3-Way Matching Summary results. To resolve this please read the page Roles and Permissions.
If the 3-Way Matching Summary does not display a tolerance type it means that on the background ZoneCapture didn't find any applicable configurations to apply.
Vendor Bill
When the new 3-way matching feature is enabled, ZoneCapture will add line coloring to the vendor bill lines when the vendor bill is related to a purchase order. By default, ZoneCapture will load all the unbilled purchase order lines into the newly created vendor bill. The lines that are successfully matched will hold a quantity to be billed. Lines from the purchase order that aren't matched currently are highlighted blue and will hold a quantity of zero. The line coloring highlighting is interactive based on the user's progress. This means when a line is manually matched in the popup, a line will transform from blue to normal. It is not necessary to remove blue lines (unmatched) lines before saving the vendor bill.
The blue highlighting of not-matched purchase order lines visible in the vendor bill can be disabled if that’s user preference, however, we recommend keeping it for better user experience. Blue coloring can be disabled by marking a checkbox “DISABLE COLORING OF NOT MATCHED VENDOR BILL LINES” which is available in the 3-Way Matching subtab in Subsidiary Setup and Main Configuration.
3-Way Match Popup
The 3-Way Match popup is where the user will see the actual 3-Way Matching status. This popup will assist the user to identify potential differences and handle them properly. The popup offers a lot of features and this section will explain all the features one by one.
Opening the popup
To be able to open the 3-Way Matching popup the vendor bill must be processed through ZoneCapture and must be connected to a purchase order transaction. Besides this, the 3-Way matching feature must be enabled. When all these parameters are valid the user will see a button named "3-Way Matching" and when pressed the popup will appear.
Popup Header Explanation
The header of the ZoneCapture 3-Way Matching Lines Status provides a lot of information to the user. Each field and option is explained below.
- Close icon: This icon is at the top right corner and allows users to close the popup and discard all the changes to start over again.
- Line Matching Progress: This progress bar shows the user how far the line matching progress is. This is calculated based on the number of purchase order lines that are connected with a transaction line that is entered on the vendor bill.
- Amount Matching Progress: This progress bar shows the user how far the amount matching progress is. This is calculated by comparing the difference between the total value of the connected purchase order against the total value from the current vendor bill.
- Total Amount: This field shows the current total value of the vendor bill that the user is entering. This value is updated interactive based on the user actions. Before the amount there can be a red exclamation mark or a green check mark that helps visualize if the current vendor bill amount is equal or not compared to the total value of the connected purchase transactions
- Purchase Orders: This field shows the user the connected purchase order for the vendor bill that they are entering. If there are many purchase transactions connected additional dots will be visible to expand the view.
- Hide Matched Lines: When this toggle is enabled the popup will hide all the matched lines so that the user will only see the lines that aren't matched at this moment. This toggle will also hide matched lines where there is a potential difference.
- Submit: When this button is pressed the data will be submitted to the vendor bill potentially altering the vendor bill with the changes that were made in the popup.
- Bill All Unmatched Lines: When this button is pressed all purchase order lines that aren't matched will be added to the vendor bill for the full amount billable. This could be handy if 3-way match is not needed or when a readout issue did occur.
Table Explanation
The table from the 3-Way matching popup provides a lot of data to the user regarding the purchase order data, entered vendor bill data, and the matching status. All sections from the table are fully explained in this section.
The table exists out of 3 sections (purchase order data, item receipt data (interactive), entered vendor bill data) with for 2 sections a segmentation.
Purchase Order Lines
The left-hand side of the table displays the data from the connected purchase order(s). In this section, the table has 5 headers that display to the user the actual data coming from the purchase order. Within this section, the user will first see a set of lines and then an empty line and potentially more lines. Lines matched by ZoneCaptured algorithm with captured lines will moreover have a blue question mark icon visible on the left-hand side. Hover over the question mark to see detailed information based on which criteria the line has been matched.
All lines that come after the empty lines are purchase order lines that do exist but aren't billed at this moment with then entered data on the vendor bill.
The lines that are billed are automatically or manually matched with a transaction line from the vendor bill and always have a left-to-right relationship on the same line. So in this example, we can see that the first line of the table is matched with a vendor bill transaction line. If as a user you identify that an unbilled purchase order line could be matched then it is possible to use the drag and drop to connect and bill lines. To use the drag and drop simply point your mouse into the item column of an unmatched purchase order line. Now hold your mouse button and drag the item on top of an item of an unbilled captured transaction line. When releasing the lines will be connected and ZoneCapture will automatically add the line to the vendor bill after submitting the popup.
The unmatched purchase order line(s) also allows the user to add the line without actually connecting it to a captured transaction line. To add a line manually the user can simply press the green "Plus" icon to add it. At this moment the popup will invoice the purchase order line after submitting the data. On the actual vendor bill, the line will transform from blue to normal and the quantity will be increased.
Remark: the rate column in the "Purchase Order Lines" section does follow native NetSuite behavior. This means that by default this column will use the rate that is present on the item receipt and not the rate that is present on the actual purchase order line. In NetSuite, it is possible to change this behavior by enabling the checkbox named "Use Purchase Order Rate On Bill" which can be found by navigating to SETUP->ACCOUNTING->ACCOUNTING PREFERENCES->ORDER MANAGEMENT->RECEIVING SECTION
Receipt Lines
The popup is interactive and will show automatically an additional column so that the user will have insights into what has actually been received in the warehouse. If the column is not visible it means that none of the purchase order lines are connected with an item receipt. When the receipt quantity is highlighted in a different color than black it means that the system did identify a difference. A user can hover the quantity and a tooltip will be shown that will guide the user by informing what the difference is and what is recommended.
Bill Lines
The right-hand side of the table displays the data from the entered vendor bill line(s) and the additionally captured PDF invoice data. In this section, the table has 6 headers that display to the user the actual data coming from the currently present vendor bill lines. Within this section, the user will first see a set of lines and then an empty line and potentially more lines. All lines that come after the empty lines are additionally captured PDF invoice data lines that aren't billed at this moment and are not present on the vendor bill.
The system will load by default all purchase order lines but the lines that are blue (unbilled) will not be visible in the popup to keep the overview clean. They will become visible when a manual connection has been made.
Each line under the "Bill Lines" section has an icon at the beginning of the line that provides a tooltip when the user hovers over the icon. There are 4 icon types
- Green checkmark: The line is matched and fully equal to the purchase order data
- Orange exclamation mark: The line is captured on the PDF but currently not present on the vendor bill
- Orange checkmark: The line is matched but differences are detected
- Gray checkmark: The line is manually added but not connected to a purchase order line.
The columns Quantity, Rate, and Amount are interactive and can change in color. When the color is not regular black it means that ZoneCapture did identify a difference. The user can hover over the color to see what ZoneCapture identified as a difference and what it recommends.
Moreover, lines visible in the top section (lines present on the vendor bill) are subject to inline editing. Quantity and rate can be inline edited after double-clicking on the value. If that’s done, then the amount will be recalculated automatically. Amount cannot be inline edited. To reflect your changes on the vendor bill, press Submit.
At the end of each line, the user could see one of the following icons
- Unlink: When this icon is pressed the line is unlinked from the connect purchase order line. This will allow the user to create links in a way they would maybe expect
- Green plus icon: When pressed the line will be added to the vendor bill after submitting the popup. The line that will be added will follow the general setup, so this means it will add an expense with the preset account or an item with the preset item
- Gray bin icon: When pressed the line will be removed again from the vendor bill and return back to the additionally captured PDF data lines.
Manually added captured lines that are not connected to purchase order lines (so-called standalone lines) can be created as expense lines or item lines. When adding a captured line via the green plus icon visible on the right-hand side of the line, ZoneCapture by default will create either an expense line or item line and set it to default value from Vendor settings or ZoneCapture Subsidiary setup. If the default value is not preferred, it can be changed directly in the pop-up. Double-click on the value in the column item or account to open the dropdown with values. From here select preferred item/account. To switch from item to account, first, remove the selected item and then double-click on the account column.
Grouped Bill Lines
ZoneCapture is able to automatically group equal lines from the PDF into one grand total line. This new line will provide a drill-down option to see what PDF data was grouped by the system. This auto grouping allows billing one purchase order line in one go when invoiced on individual transaction lines by the vendor. When the drill-down data is opened and the line is not linked the user can undo the grouping if necessary to perform better matching. It is also possible to manually group captured lines by simply dragging and dropping the same items on each other that are both under the Bill Lines section
It is also possible to manually group captured lines by simply dragging and dropping the same items on each other that are both under the Bill Lines section
Enforce 3-Way Matching on Save
ZoneCapture provides an option to make acceptance reason mandatory when saving a vendor bill with differences detected by 3-way Matching.
By default, this option is not enabled. To activate this preference mark a checkbox in Setup > ZoneCapture> ZoneCapture Subsidiary > subtab: 3-Way Matching > checkbox: ENFORCE 3-WAY MATCHING ON SAVE.
When this checkbox is enabled, the notification window will be triggered on the Save of the vendor bill in case there are differences outside of thresholds detected by ZoneCapture 3-Way Matching. If that’s the case, then the acceptance reason becomes mandatory and the end user needs to provide it. Without a reason, the transaction will not be saved.
Example of the pop-up triggered on Save of the vendor bill:
By default, the 3-Way Matching Acceptance Reason field is not shown on vendor bill forms. To expose this field on vendor bills make sure that the following field is shown on your forms:
Label: Acceptance Reason (ZC 3-way match)
Tab: ZoneCapture:3 Way Matching