General Information
Version 2.5.3 was released on the 9th of October and contains a few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Bug Fixes
SC-2280 Restrict Failed E-invoices search for subsidiary-specific custom roles
The record Basware Sending Notification Summary has been extended with the Subsidiary field so that subsidiary-specific custom roles can see the list of Failed E-invoices that corresponds only to subsidiaries to which the user has access.
SC-2441 Sorting of records in 3-Way Matching Summary
The sorting of records in the 3-Way Matching Summary list has been enhanced so that it's easier for the end user to review vendor bills that contain multiple lines.
SC-2502 Outbound E-invoice: branch scheme ID should not be mandatory when branch ID is used
There are use cases when there is a need to send a branch ID in the e-invoice payment details without providing the branch scheme ID. Therefore branch scheme ID is no longer required when sending e-invoice with branch ID for payment details provided.
SC-2570 Party Endpoint Scheme ID field should be greyed out on the customer record
When sending an e-invoice, it is mandatory to provide the customer Endpoint ID and Endpoint Scheme. The Party Endpoint Scheme ID value is sourced automatically from the selected Endpoint Scheme, however, it was possible to edit it manually which was causing issues when incorrect value was provided. The additional protection has been introduced and it’s no longer possible to edit the Party Endpoint Scheme ID field on the customer record.
SC-2575 Permission issue when retrieving ZoneCapture License
An additional check on user permission has been introduced to inform end users in a clearer way that they cannot retrieve manually ZoneCapture license if they do not have permission to ZoneCapture License record. When the user does not have the required permission, then after accessing Setup > ZoneCapture Setup > ZoneCapture License, the message is displayed that the user does not have permission to view the page. If the user has ZoneCapture License permission, then they are able to correctly retrieve the license manually if needed.
SC-2607 Instant Upload of PDFs with OCR scanning - record collision
It might happen that when loading a PDF invoice with a lot of pages that take a few minutes to scan, such record with not fully recognized results was available for editing for end users too early. That was causing a record collision in NetSuite. The issue is fixed now and the additional protection on the bill to process records has been introduced so that it’s not possible to edit the record when OCR recognition results are still being retrieved from the OCR scanning station.
SC-2621 E-invoice receiving - issue when merging >10 additional attachments
When received e-invoices are created inside ZoneCapture, any additional PDF attachments from the vendor are merged with the main PDF invoice into one file. There was an issue with merging when the vendor attached more than 10 files. The issue is fixed now and a high number of files can be merged without any errors.