General Information
Version 2.5.0 was released on the 26th of September and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-1228 Autoprocessing of bill to process records connected to one purchase order
Autoprocessing of bill to process records connected to one purchase order that is available for billing has been introduced. The autoprocessing as a preference needs to be enabled on the Main/Subsidiary configuration and also on the vendor record. A new preference has been introduced on the Main/Subsidiary configuration → Enable Auto-processing for PO-related bills to process. Mark this checkbox to enable this feature for a particular subsidiary or NetSuite account. As the next level of setup, select a preference on the vendor record, ZoneCapture subtab, section General settings → Autoprocessing preferences. Values available in this dropdown allow you to choose autoprocessing of standalone bills, PO-related bills, or both for a particular vendor. If the bill to process record meets all requirements to be autoprocessed, then it will be set as Ready for Autoprocessing and transformed automatically into the vendor bill by map/reduce script FF SC MR Bill to Process Autoprocessing.
SC-2172 Option to enforce 3-way matching on save
A new preference was added to ZoneCapture 3-way matching: Enforce 3-way matching on save. When this option is enabled, the user will be presented with the 3-Way Match pop-up with differences. When trying to save the vendor bill and at the same time there are differences identified between purchase order data and vendor bill data that are outside of thresholds, then the acceptance reason becomes mandatory. The user must enter a reason why the differences are accepted, without a reason provided the transaction will not be saved. The new preference can be found in the Main configuration and Subsidiary Configuration, 3-way matching subtab.
SC-2266 Exclude potential duplicates from autoprocessing
Bill to process records submitted for autoprocessing does not result in auto-creation of vendor bill/credit if the potential duplicate has been identified by ZoneCapture duplicates detection. To avoid creating incorrect transactions, potential duplicates have been excluded from autoprocessing. The manual intervention is needed to process these records.
SC-2342 Enhancements in the matching algorithm for 3-way matching
ZoneCapture's 3-way matching algorithm responsible for matching captured lines against purchase order lines has been extended so that a perfect match is not necessary to find a match based on the captured article number and description. An additional layer of checks has been added to be able to match based on a single capture string.
SC-2395 Tolerance settings for amounts in 3-way matching
ZoneCapture 3-way matching has been extended with an option to set thresholds for amounts, as so far it was available only for quantity and rate. If tolerance thresholds need to be set for amounts, it is possible to define it on item/vendor/subsidiary level using the following fields (if any of these are not visible on your custom forms, please show them on the form):
Default amount settings on vendor bill lines (option to choose: Threshold Settings prevail)
3-way matching tolerance type for amount (options to choose: Percentage, Fixed Amount)
Amount tolerance percentage
Amount tolerance fixed amount
SC-2397 Inline editing of quantity and rate in 3-way matching pop-up
Vendor bill lines visible in ZoneCapture 3-way matching pop-up allow inline editing of quantity and rate directly in the pop-up. There is no need anymore to submit a popup first and apply any changes on the vendor bill lines. The user can edit the quantity and rate of vendor bill lines already in the pop-up and then submit the changes so they are reflected on the vendor bill. To inline edit values, double-click on the quantity and rate fields.
SC-2399 Display detailed information about matching rule in the 3-way matching pop-up
ZoneCapture 3-way matching popup has been extended with a new icon - a blue question mark on the left-hand side of the matched purchase order line. When hovering over the new icon, detailed information about the matching reason will be displayed - e.g. that the line is matched because the captured line description matched the purchase order item code or the line is matched because the captured quantity and rate matched purchase order line quantity and rate.
SC-2408 Option to disable coloring of not matching purchase order lines when using 3-way matching
A new preference has been introduced in the Main Configuration and Subsidiary Configuration related to ZoneCapture 3-way matching. Purchase Order lines not matched with captured lines are by default colored blue on the vendor bill. The user has now the option to disable coloring if that’s their preference so that all lines are displayed as white (without coloring) during the processing of PO-related bills. The new preference is called “Disable Coloring of not matched vendor bill lines” and can be found in the 3-Way Matching subtab.
SC-2436 Exclude bills for amounts equal to zero from autoprocessing
Bill to process records submitted for autoprocessing does not result in auto-creation of vendor bill/credit if the total amount of the potential transaction is 0. To avoid creating incorrect transactions, vendor bills for amounts equal to zero have been excluded from autoprocessing, as most likely data was not captured correctly and user attention is needed.
SC-2459 Exclude bills with missing header mandatory field values from autoprocessing
Bill to process records submitted for autoprocessing does not result in auto-creation of vendor bill/credit if there is a missing value in any mandatory field. To avoid creating incorrect transactions, vendor bills with missing mandatory field values have been excluded from autoprocessing, as user action is needed.
SC-2467 Display default item name/GL account in 3-way matching pop-up
ZoneCapture 3-way matching pop-up has an option to add standalone captured lines to vendor bill lines so that they are not connected to any purchase order line. That can be done by clicking on the green plus icon in the pop-up on the captured lines section (bottom-right part of the pop-up). The logic has been extended so that the user can immediately see with which GL account or item the standalone line will be created. If the ZoneCapture default item/GL account is not meant for the particular line, then the user can directly change it in the pop-up by double-clicking on the item/account column and selecting a different value from the dropdown.
SC-2479 Apply 3-way matching when autoprocessing bills
When using newly introduced autoprocessing of purchase order-related bills and at the same time ZoneCapture 3-way matching is enabled, then by default autoprocessing will happen only if there are no discrepancies in 3 way matching summary. This option provides an additional layer of protection for autoprocessing - vendor bills will be automatically created only if all captured lines are matched with purchase order lines and there are no differences in quantity/rate/amount between vendor bill lines and purchase order lines (or differences are withing thresholds). If any captured lines are not matched or if differences are outside thresholds, then the bill to process record will be transferred to “Autoprocessing Failed” status, and vendor bill will not be created. Manual intervention of the user is needed.
There is also a new preference introduced, called Ignore matching results when autoprocessing. The checkbox can be found on the Main Configuration and Subsidiary Configuration. When marked, then autoprocessing of PO-related bills will happen even if there are differences identified by 3-way matching logic (not all captured lines are matched or identified differences in quantity/rate/amount are outside of thresholds).
SC-2505 Add validations on negative or missing data in the 3-way matching pop-up
The user-friendly validation message has been added to ZoneCapture 3-way matching pop-up to avoid submitting changes if a negative/missing quantity or rate is trying to be saved for items.
Bug Fixes
SC-2464 Exclude item type “Item Group” when sending e-invoice
"Item Group" type has been excluded from e-invoice lines, as it’s a technical item without rate, amount, and tax rate, which is not acceptable by the e-invoicing network.
SC-2470 Instant upload does not set the selected vendor
The instant Upload page allows the user to select a subsidiary and vendor so that these values should be set on the created bill to process record. Even when values were selected, but OCR matched a PDF with a different vendor, then the vendor provided by OCR was respected. The logic has been adjusted now and the user selection from the Instant upload page is now respected, even if the matched vendor is a different one. If you want the OCR selected vendor to prevail, then leave the vendor dropdown empty when loading a PDF.
SC-2484 FF SC Populate PO document number and line
Purchase orders that contain both expenses and items were not correctly removed from the saved search holding POs with populated custom fields used by ZoneCapture. The issue is fixed and POs with expenses and items are processed correctly.
SC-2486 New 3-Way Match: Respect Unit of Measurement in the Item Receipt Quantity column
ZoneCapture 3-way matching pop-up was showing incorrect Receipt Quantity in case the primary base unit of the item was not equal to a unit of measurement in the item receipt. The issue is fixed now and the item receipt quantity is displayed correctly using units of item receipt.
SC-2496 Add Inactive = false in the criteria of Scan & Capture Failed E-invoices list
The saved search for failed e-invoices visible in the ZoneCapture portlet was missing criteria to exclude inactive records. The missing criteria have been added to the saved search.
SC-2508 Incorrect account when editing a vendor on the bill to process record
In the scenario when the default expense account is set on the vendor record, the manual change of the vendor in the bill to process record did not always trigger a change of the GL account immediately. The issue is fixed now and changes to the vendor’s default GL account are reflected immediately during the processing of the vendor bill.