General Information
Version 2.9.0 was released on the 13th of February and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
GenAI Vendor/Subsidiary Matching
We have completed the ground work to implement GenAI into the Subsidiary/Vendor matching algorithm inside ZoneCapture to further improve matching score for scanned documents. The logic will be activated for existing customers in the upcoming weeks.
Bug Fixes
SC-2313 Availability of the bill to process record where subsidiary has not been assigned
It might happen that when using a generic email plugin the subsidiary on the bill to process record has not been assigned at all due to insufficient master data. Users with permissions to specific subsidiaries only couldn't edit the record. The logic has been improved and such roles are now allowed to open this bill to process record, review it and check if the PDF belongs to their subsidiary.
SC-2627 Purchase Orders with zero amount on lines are not available in the bill to process record
Open purchase orders where only lines with zero amount are available for further billing where not visible in the dropdown on bill to process record to connect them manually to bills. The logic under the purchase order dropdown in ZoneCapture has been improved so that all purchase orders available for billing via native NetSuite are also available in our application for manual selection.
SC-2645 Inline editing for "Invoice Date" does not work in the Incoming queue
Further improvements have been implemented to support inline editing of Invoice Date field in the Incoming transactions to be processed overview.
SC-2729 Rejected and Closed POs should not appear as available for billing
The improved use case is when the purchase order initially linked to the bill to process record has been rejected or closed in the meantime before the transaction is processed. When processing such bill to process record, the end user was not correctly informed about the new status of the purchase order (it was still shown as available for billing). The logic has been improved and the changed status of the purchase order is now reflected correctly on the bill to process record.
SC-2851 1Password chrome extension interferes with ZoneCapture PDF viewer
After the latest upgrade of 1Password Chrome extension (released at the beginning of February), ZoneCapture PDF viewer was not always working correctly for end users using 1Password extension at the same time. The logic has been adjusted inside ZoneCapture to make sure that PDF is visible during processing of the vendor bills in Chrome browser in case the user at the same time uses 1Password extension.