SC-965 Bill to Process page > enable opening connected Purchase Order
Bill to process page has been extended with the new feature - in case purchase order(s) are selected on the bill to process page, it is possible to open them in the separate browser tab with one click. Purchase Order chips are now clickable, therefore if PO needs to be further verified before processing the vendor bill, you can click on the chip and open it directly in the new tab.
SC-2197 Add information who uploaded PDF manually
PDF can be delivered to ZoneCapture application via email or via manual upload to create bill to process page. Manual upload option has been extended with new enhancement - split screen on the bill to process page shows who uploaded this particular PDF manually. This information is now visible already on the bill to process page to enhance user experience and provide full audit trial.
SC-2466 Include Due Date on the Credit Memos (e-invoicing for sending)
As Due Date is not a standard field provided by native NetSuite on Credit Memos, it was not included by default in e-invoice sent via ZoneCapture. Based on request from our customers we added an option to anyway include due date in the e-credit memos you send via ZoneCapture. If you want to include due date in your credit memos, navigate to Setup > ZoneCapture Setup > ZoneCapture Main configuration > E-Documents subtab. The new field is now available in this section: "Due Date for credit memo". Populate here internal ID of the field from your transaction record from which ZoneCapture should source due date.
SC-2477 Option to align Process button to the current status of purchase order
The new option has been added to ZoneCapture Main Configuration: Disable Process Button when PO is not ready for processing. If you use purchase orders and you want to further protect incoming invoices from processing in case connected purchase order(s) are not yet ready for billing, mark this checkbox. As a result instead of PROCESS button in the incoming transactions to be processed users will see only EDIT button, therefore they will be forced to first edit bill to process record and verify status of connected purchase orders if needed.
SC-2509 Add a notification message upon rejecting a transaction from the Incoming overview
End user has an option to reject (inactivate) incoming transaction to be processed directly from the incoming overview. To further protect the system and avoid accidental rejections, additional notification has been added upon clicking REJECT.
SC-2629 Option to exclude vendors from 3-way matching
The new preference has been added on the vendor record in ZoneCapture subtab/ 3-Way Matching: Exclude from ZoneCapture 3 Way Matching. This new option allows to have 3-way matching feature enabled on the subsidiary level, but at the same time certain vendors can be excluded from the matching logic if needed. Marking this checkbox is recommended if you in general want to use ZoneCapture 3-Way Matching feature, but for certain vendors this algorithm is not suitable and you want to process PO-related vendor bills for this vendor without running line matching algorithm.
SC-2665 Rename saved searches/records from Scan&Capture to ZoneCapture
To further align with the change of naming convention inside ZoneCapture, the following records/saved searches has been renamed to replace Scan&Capture into ZoneCapture.
Type |
Old Name |
New Name |
Search |
S&C Purchase Orders List |
ZC Purchase Orders List |
Search |
S&C Transaction Line Default Search |
ZC Transaction Line Default Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture Training Data Search |
ZoneCapture Training Data Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture Trained Field Mapping |
ZoneCapture Trained Field Mapping |
Search |
Active ZC Subsidiary Configuration Search |
Active ZC Subsidiary Configuration Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture Subsidiary Setup (non-OneWorld) |
ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup (non-OneWorld) |
Search |
Scan & Capture Subsidiary Setup Search |
ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture Subsidiary Bank Details |
ZoneCapture Subsidiary Bank Details |
Search |
Active Scan & Capture Parser Mapping Search |
Active ZoneCapture Parser Mapping Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture OCR Station Search |
ZoneCapture OCR Station Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture Main Configuration Search |
ZoneCapture Main Configuration Search |
Search |
Scan & Capture E-Document Station Search |
ZoneCapture E-Document Station Search |
Search |
S&C Audit Report - Incoming Transactions |
ZC Audit Report - Incoming Transactions |
Search |
Scan & Capture Bill to Process To Create Training Transactions |
ZoneCapture Bill to Process To Create Training Transactions |
Search |
Scan & Capture Incoming purchase transactions to be processed |
ZoneCapture Incoming purchase transactions to be processed |
Search |
Scan & Capture Processed transaction Month |
ZoneCapture Processed transaction Month |
Search |
Scan & Capture Failed E-invoices |
ZoneCapture Failed E-invoices |
Search |
S&C Outbound E-invoices This Month |
ZoneCapture Outbound E-invoices This Month |
Record |
Scan & Capture Main Configuration |
ZoneCapture Main Configuration |
Record |
Scan & Capture Subsidiary Setup |
ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup |
Record |
Scan & Capture OCR Station |
ZoneCapture OCR Station |
Record |
Scan & Capture E-Document Station |
ZoneCapture E-Document Station |
Record |
Scan & Capture Tax Mapping |
ZoneCapture Tax Mapping |
Record |
Scan & Capture Transaction Line Default |
ZoneCapture Transaction Line Default |
Record |
Scan & Capture Subsidiary Bank Details |
ZoneCapture Subsidiary Bank Details |
SC-2800 Display Vendor name/Code in the 3-way matching pop-up
The 3-Way Matching pop-up window has been extended with the new column. Left side section with purchase order line details contains now also vendor name/code information sourced from purchase order line to provide you as many details as possible to make manual matching easier.
SC-2836 Excluded domain name field - transform field to text area field type
The field Excluded domain names for matching algorithm available on ZoneCapture Main configuration has been transformed from free-form text field into text area field to allow more domains to be excluded if necessary.
SC-2853 Improve Performance of loading vendor bills when 3-way matching is enabled
For bill to process records connected to multiple purchase orders with multiple lines each the performance of loading vendor bill screen was significantly lower when ZoneCapture 3-way matching feature has been enabled, comparing to the situation when 3-way matching has been disabled. In the same scenario submitting any changes via 3-way matching pop-up was also time consuming. The performance on both screen has been significantly improved. The more vendor bill lines on the vendor bill, the higher performance improvement will be noticed when processing vendor bills in ZoneCapture or submitting changes via 3-way matching pop-up.
SC-2900 Further improvements of GenAI field population
Further improvements has been performed in GenAI Field Population logic to provide more accurate results coming from GPT logic.
Bug Fixes
SC-2310 Adjust behaviour in B2P when "Cross subsidiary record viewing" is used on the role
The issue is related to custom roles that have limited access to subsidiaries in NetSuite but at the same time they have a checkbox marked to allow cross-subsidiary viewing. These roles so far were able to select any subsidiary in the bill to process record, while in version 2.10.0 we limited it to subsidiaries to which the user has only edit permissions (this logic follows native NetSuite logic for limiting records).
SC-2524 Transaction Line default not applied when special characters are used
In the very specific scenario when "text to match" set on the transaction line default rule contains special characters like (e..g > <), the rule was not applied correctly. The logic has been improved so that special characters are not causing issues and the rule can be applied correctly.
SC-2615 Non-Administrator role encounters error when adding Custom Segment or Custom List/Record Field in Transaction Line Defaulting
Non-Administrator roles when trying to set a default value in the custom segment/record in Transaction Line Default were blocked by the permission error. The issue has been fixed so that permission to Transaction Line Default is sufficient to fully setup rules.
SC-2649 Default Vendor Bill Lines not defaulting values when no Expense or Item is defined
When creating a Default Vendor Bill Line, neither the Account or Item field are required fields. When a value is not defined on either of these fields, the Default Vendor Bill line is not being applied to the Vendor Bill. The issue has been fixed and the mechanism is now being applied correctly even if the Account/Item are not set.
SC-2817 Saved Search 'Processed this Month' is not working when Next Approver column is added
When using custom saved search under ZoneCapture portlet (section Processed this Month) with column Next Approver, the screen was not loading. The issue has been fixed and Next Approver custom column is fully supported in ZoneCapture Processed this Month section.
SC-2819 Improvements for current editor and greying out B2P records feature
In certain scenarios after clicking Save&Process button on the bill to process records greying out functionality (locking records currently edited by another user) was not working correctly - records were unlocked even when other user was still working on it. The feature has been enhanced so that incoming transaction to be processed is correctly locked if being edited by another user.
SC-2887 Map/Reduce script interferes on the transactions uploaded via Instant Upload
In certain scenarios when during receiving recognition results via manual upload screen at exactly the same time map/reduce script has been triggered in the background to also receive recognition results, bill to process records have been corrupted not allowing end users for correct processing them due to incorrect process status set. The flow has been improved so that map/reduce script does not interfee with documents being at the same time received via Instant Upload mechanism.
SC-2903 Clickable PDF not working on certain PDFs
For accounts installed initially on ZoneCapture 2.8/2.9 version it might happen that clickable PDF feature was not working on certain PDFs. The issue has been fixed now.
SC-2913 Manual upload without OCR scanning - empty error message
When uploading PDF manually via Instant Upload page with the option "Skip OCR Scanning", the empty error message was encountered during processing of the vendor bill. The issue has been fixed so that end users can process such records fully manually without encountering any errors.
SC-2932 Single currency account - custom role cannot see POs in the dropdown
Single currency NetSuite accounts with ZoneCapture 2.9.x version did not show purchase orders on the bill to process record when using custom roles. The issue has been fixed so that user with custom roles can access purchase orders list on the bill to process record.
SC-2941 Missing recognition results for received e-invoices
In certain scenarios on accounts with ZoneCapture 2.9.x version some received e-invoices did not have recognition results populated on transaction records. The issue has been fixed so that recevied e-invoice data is parser correctly.