General Information
Release 2.0.1 has been released on the 8th of September and contains several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Bug Fixes
SC-1657 Incoming transaction with a data recognition error does not show the PDF
In certain situations, it could happen that the OCR scanning station was not able to read out the data on the submitted PDF correctly. When this happens the incoming record will be labeled with the status “Data Recognition Error”. This status allows the user to still process the transaction manually so that the system doesn’t block the processing. After altering the data and creating the vendor bill or credit the page didn’t show the PDF file on the split screen. This version resolves this issue so that the PDF file is shown as expected in the split screen functionality.
SC-667 Transaction is not visible in the incoming purchase transaction to be processed overview
In specific situations, it can happen that the incoming email doesn’t contain a “To” email address. This occurred for specific configurations when using Outlook as a forwarding client. When this happens the transaction did get into a status where it didn’t show up in the incoming purchase transactions to be processed. In this release, we resolve this issue so that even if there is no “To” address present in the incoming email data the actual PDF will still be visible in the incoming purchase transactions to be processed can still be processed as expected.
SC-1672 FORMULA_ERROR when captured PO contains special characters
The formula error occurs during processing transactions when captured PO number contains a special character (apostrophe). The end users were experiencing the error message: Your formula has an error in it. It could resolve to the wrong datatype, use an unknown function, or have a syntax error. In this release the issue is solved and special characters captured by OCR tool are not causing any issues.