General Information
Release 2.2.0 has been released on the 7th of March and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Instant Upload
This version introduces a new enhanced version of the manual upload of PDFs to directly create incoming transactions to be processed. The functionality contains the following options:
- upload multiple PDF files at once via drag&drop zone
- preselect subsidiary/vendor
- immediately send files for OCR scanning
- skip OCR scanning if needed (option to only attach PDF file to bill to process record and process data manually)
This option is a faster alternative to sending PDFs via email → drag&drop multiple files and receive recognition results as soon as possible.
Details of the feature are available in the Manual Upload of Bills to Process documentation.
SC-872 PDF viewer resize split screen option
The split screen on the vendor bill record had so far a fixed percentage how big the PDF viewer is versus the entry form. The new user preference has been introduced under Set Preferences/Custom Preferences - PDF SCREEN SIZE PERCENTAGE. Every user can now individually set the percentage. The minimum width allowed is 25%, while the maximum width is the current setup - 40%. When set to minimum, it means that PDF presented on the split screen will be smaller what can be helpful for users working on smaller screens.
SC-947 Additional attachments for received e-invoices
The E-invoicing flow allows attaching multiple files to the e-invoice. So far our solution was able to bring into NetSuite the main business document only. With this version the enhancement has been introduced to automatically download from e-invoicing network also additional attachments in PDF format. Any additional attachments will be merged with the main business document into one PDF file and presented on the split screen. Merged PDF will be attached to the vendor bill as usual.
SC-1584 Highlight source data for auto populated header fields
The existing clickable PDF functionality has been extended with the new functionality - highlighting the source data. When the header field on the vendor/credit bill form is pre-populated with the captured data, then when clicking on the transaction body field, the source data will be highlighted on the PDF. This option makes the verification of the data easier and more clear during the processing of transactions, as with one click you can locate source data on the PDF as a green rectangular. The feature can be enabled and disabled in the Scan&Capture Main Configuration by marking the checkbox called ENABLE HIGHLIGHTING SOURCE DATA ON THE CLICKABLE PDF (NOT BFN COMPLIANT).
SC-1701 Add rotate button on the PDF viewer
The toolbar on the PDF viewer visible during editing a vendor transaction has been enhanced with a new button. You can now rotate the PDF if needed.
SC-1717 Extend view of email on B2P screen with subject + email header
When the user clicks Edit on the Incoming transaction to be processed, the original email is presented on the right side of the screen. So far only the email body was visible on the split screen. The view has been extended and now the original email subject, the sender email address and the recipient email address is also visible to provide more detailed information.
SC-1772 Notification when the bill to process record is being edited by another user
This version introduced handling for the notification when the bill to process record is edited by another user. In order to avoid duplication of work and help end users in picking up transactions for processing, new enhanced UI offers blocking of records currenlty editing by another user. The record is greyed out when edited by another user.
The column “Current Editor” in the Incoming transactions to be processed can be shown in the overview to give clear information which user is currently editing the record that is blocked.
If you use custom saved search under the portlet and you would like to show the column with current editor, please edit the saved search and add a new column.
If you use new enhanced UI every user can customize the view by hiding/unhiding the Current Editor column. To do that please click on three dots and select Show Columns and decide to unhide/hide the particular column using the toggle.
Details of the feature can be found here.
SC-1773 Extension of inline editing via new UI
When the enhanced UI experience is enabled for the particular NetSuite account in S&C Main Configuration, then Inline Editing toggle is visible. The scope of fields available for inline editing has been extended and now the following fields can be edited:
- Invoice Document Number
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Amount
- Memo
SC-1784 Custom Parser Mappings for header fields: logic for PO-related bills
The application offers an option to map captured fields into custom fields for both PDF Capture documents and E-invoices. So far these custom mappings were working for standalone vendor bills. The functionality has been extended and in this version parser mappings for custom header fields will be also applied for purchase order-related bills.
SC-1785 Trained Field Mappings: logic for PO-related bills
The functionality of autolearning based on clicking for header custom fields so far was applied for standalone vendor bills. The functionality has been extended and in this version when the new training is created based on a clickable PDF, then the created trained field mapping is marked as a purchase order related bill or standalone bill. If the training has been created based on PO-related bill, then it’s automatically applied for PO-related bills. If the training has been created based on a standalone transaction, then it’s automatically applied for standalone transactions only.
SC-1883 Persist column pinning options set by the user in new UI
The new enhanced UI for Incoming transactions has the option to pin certain columns to the left or right. This setting is now stored per user, therefore if the particular user pins the column, then this choice will be remembered even after refreshing the page or logging out from NetSuite. Thanks to this enhancement the Incoming section can be customized further by the end users.
SC-1965 Navigate to the joined records in the new UI
When using a new enhanced UI, further enhancement has been introduced. Any join fields that users might have in the custom saved search under the portlet will contain a hyperlink to directly navigate to the lists, single-select fields and even to multiple select field. Any hyperlink is displayed in the new UI in a blue font.
SC-2001 Adjustments in all screens to be compatible with 2023.1 NetSuite Release
The adjustments have been made in the way how we display screens in the new UI for the Incoming transactions, split screen with the bill to process, split screen with the create vendor option and split screen with the vendor bill. The change has been made to be compatible with the new NetSuite release 2023.1 so that native NetSuite menu bar is visible when using ZoneCapture screens.
SC-2018 Inline editing in new UI follows users permissions to edit B2P record
When using a new enhanced UI that contains a toggle to enable inline editing, further enhancement has been introduced. Users with access to view Incoming transactions but without permission to edit bill to process records will not be able to inline edit bill to process records.
Bug Fixes
SC-651 Creating vendor from Bill to Process page populates incorrect currency
The user has the option to create a new vendor directly from Bill to Process page. The create vendor form was defaulting a currency to the currency of the parent-subsidiary in the particular NetSuite account instead of a preselected subsidiary on B2P record. The logic has been enhanced and the currency field now defaults to the currency of the preselected subsidiary.
SC-1179 Purchase Order should not be automatically matched for Bill Credit
In the use case when the document sent to OCR is a bill credit and at the same time a valid purchase order number is mentioned on the PDF, the bill credit was automatically connected with PO in the Incoming transactions to be processed. This is not a valid use case, because bill credit does not allow connecting POs. The issue is fixed now and in this scenario PO is not connected anymore for bill credits.
SC-1273 INVARIANT_FAILED error when processing the transaction
In the situation when the vendor trained field mappings were applied for the decimal field type, the next document has an error message during processing - INVARIANT_FAILED","message":"\"fieldValue\" must be one of [string, number, boolean, object]. The issue is fixed now and autolearning based on clicking for custom fields with decimal type is not causing any errors.
SC-1582 Quantity on the vendor bill lines - unnecessary rounding
The issue occurs for standalone vendor bills with items in case captured quantity for the vendor bill line has a fractional part in decimal form. In this scenario quantity populated on the vendor bill line was an integer only. In this version we extended the logic to auto-populate the whole quantity captured by OCR station without unnecessary rounding.
SC-1796 SyntaxError in FF SC MR Outgoing Basware Notification script
The script responsible for fetching notifications for E-invoices was logging a syntax error message in case of a short connection issue with e-invoicing provider. The issue has been investigated to assure that there is no data loss in case of this error message and at the same time the error handling has been fixed.
SC-1853 E-invoice inbound: incorrect negative amount for Bill Credit
In the scenario when the transaction type of the received e-invoice has been changed manually to Bill Credit then the amount populated on the transaction was incorrectly changing the sign. The issue has been fixed and the negative amount will no longer be auto populated for bill credits.
SC-1863 FORMULA_ERROR when captured PO contains special characters
In the scenario when captured purchase order number contains special characters, the end users were experiencing error message during processing vendor bills about formula error. The issue is fixed now and special characters are not causing error.
SC-1873 No recognition results in case of an invalid GL account
The application provides an option to configure the default GL account that will be used when creating vendor bill lines. In case of misconfiguration done by the end-user and selecting an invalid GL account (e.g. inactive account or not valid for the particular situation), the recognition results were missing for the particular transaction. The flow is enhanced now and the misconfiguration of default GL account is not causing problems with parsing captured data.
SC-1905 Handling for inactivated predefined vendor
In the scenario when the vendor matched by email domain name has been inactivated after the matching but before the user process the transaction, there was an error message displayed during processing. The issue is fixed now and the handling for this scenario has been added.
SC-1906 Handling for transactions that contain more than 1000000 characters after parsing
In the situation when captured data after parsing contains more than 1000000 characters, there were missing recognition results on the transaction. The support for this scenario has been extended and this kind of transactions will have recognition results fully auto populated starting from this version.
SC-1944 Outbound e-invoice - exclude internal ID of the invoice line
The internal ID of the invoice line from NetSuite is no longer included in the json file with e-invoice outbound as it does not bring any information for the recipient of the e-invoice.
SC-2005 Issue with default VB lines for items or not unique lines
When the user created multiple default vendor bill lines for the particular vendor that were not unique, then there was an error message during processing of the vendor bill. The issue is fixed now and not unique default vendor bill lines are not causing problems during processing.
SC-2008 Logging of the script FF SC UE Entity
In certain scenario the script FF SC UE Entity was logging unnecessary error messages. It has been confirmed that there is no functionality impacted when the {} error is logged. At the same time the handling has been added to the script to prevent excessive logging.
SC-2035 Issue with S&C Bill to Process record in Dutch language
There was an issue with displaying the vendor dropdown in the bill to process screen when the language used in NetSuite was set to Dutch. The issue is fixed now and the bill to process screen is working correctly in Dutch.
SC-2041 S&C FF Bill To Process UE - Error at isActiveSubsidiary
In the scenario when we did not get any recognition results from OCR station, end users were experiencing the error message Missing a required argument: id","stack":["Error"," at isActiveSubsidiary. The issue is fixed in the current version.
SC-2061 Cannot destructure property 'itemLines' when transaction data structure is null
In the scenario when items are used instead of expenses and we did not get any recognition results from OCR station, end users were experiencing the error message Cannot destructure property 'itemLines' when transaction data structure is null. The issue is fixed in the current version.