General information
Release 2.2.1 has been released on the 27th of March and contains few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Bug Fixes
SC-2099 Rejected purchase orders are matched to the vendor bill
Purchase orders in the status “Rejected” were available for automatching with the vendor bills. As these POs are not billable, the logic has been improved and Rejected orders are now excluded from automatching process.
SC-2109 Issue with Default Vendor bill lines
Default vendor bill lines logic gives the option to populate custom fields and segments. There was an issue with the logic to populate fields with type list/records. The issue is fixed now and additional fields and segments are autopopulated correctly.
SC-2110 Transaction Line Default for items - incorrect tax code
When Transaction Line Default mechanism was used to set item on the vendor bill lines, the tax code was not taken over from item. The logic has been enhanced and when item is set via transaction line defaults, then the tax code is copied over from the item definition (if any) as a priority.
SC-2119 Resending of E-invoices in the Closed Account Period
There was an issue with resending e-invoices for transactions belonging to the already closed account period. The issue is fixed now and it’s possible to send e-document for closed account period as long as non-GL changes are allowed for the particular period.
SC-2124 Default vendor bill lines - issue when using 0% on the line
It is possible to set a 0% split when using default vendor bill lines mechanism. There was an issue with applying the logic when 0 was set as a percentage on the lines. The logic is working correctly now.
SC-2126 Populate PST tax rate on vendor bill lines
There was an issue with applying tax groups on the vendor bill lines - it’s a use case in Canada, where PST and GST are used. When populating tax codes on the vendor bill lines, Scan&Capture is now setting both tax rates associated with the tax group (PST and GST) correctly.
SC-2127 Issue with sending e-invoices when German language is used in NetSuite account
There was an issue with sending e-invoices when German language is used in NetSuite account. The problem is fixed now and German translation is not affecting sending of e-invoices anymore.
SC-2129 Item dropdown is behind the PDF viewer
In the NetSuite version 2023.1 there was an issue with the items dropdown covered by PDF viewer when having a split screen open during editing the vendor bill lines. The issue is fixed now and items dropdown is displayed correctly.
SC-2186 Rename files loaded via instant upload to keep them unique
The use case is related to the newly introduced instant upload functionality allowing the scanning of PDF files loaded manually. It might happen that the user loads multiple files with the same name. To prevent files from being overwritten, the logic has been extended and files are now being renamed on upload (random unique prefix is added to the original file name) so that the same file name is not causing issues.