This page explains how you can configure the transaction line defaulting.
- Introduction
Create a transaction line defaulting rule
Extending with custom fields and segments
The transaction line defaulting feature allows the user to set up pre-defined rules that can execute a defaulting of the transaction lines on a standalone vendor bill.
The user can define trigger keywords that are present on the line level from the inbound invoice (PDF or e-invoice) and set presets for an account or item selection and predefine the standard segmentation selection. It is also possible to trigger the selection for all invoice lines on the transactions for a particular vendor with no keywords set up.
The transaction line defaulting rule also allows extending the logic so it is able to also set default values for custom segments or columns on the vendor bill transaction lines. With this feature full automation could be achieved for defaulting the transaction line values.
Create a transaction line defaulting rule
A transaction line defaulting rule can be created instantly from the transaction line on the vendor bill the user is working on or by navigating to SETUP > SCAN & CAPTURE > TRANSACTION LINE DEFAULTING > NEW. The entry options and screen for both ways of entering the settings are equal and fully described in the section “Configuration fields explained”.
To create a configuration directly from the vendor bill transaction line the user must select the option new in the column “S&C Account/Item Matching Rule Applied”. When the new option is selected a popup will appear that allows the user to instantly create the transaction line defaulting rule and after saving the rule will be applied to the line from which the new entry registration was triggered.
The following page will be visible after initiating a new setup.
Configuration fields explained
The next part of this documentation will explain section by section and field by field what the field setting allows the user to configure and what kind of behavior can be achieved with the setting.
Matching Criteria
In the matching criteria section, the user can define on which records the transaction line default rule is deployed and on which text and algorithm it should trigger
Name field
We recommend using a naming convention that clearly describes when this rule should be triggering. The Transaction Line Defaulting feature provides full flexibility in triggers and using clear naming descriptions could later help if an unexpected selection is happening so that it's easy to identify which rule is responsible.
Active on records field
Select here on which transaction types the transaction line defaulting rule should be triggered. A multi-selection can be made here by holding down your CTRL-key (windows) or CMD-key (MAC) and then clicking the options you would like to activate.
Priority field
The priority field allows the user to set the priority of the created transaction line defaulting rule. By default, the record will be set to the value “10”. The logic behind this priority is that the lowest value will be applied first and the highest value will be applied last. If multiple rules are responding to the same line and are containing the same priority value then the internal id of the record will be used as the order of applying the rules. Here applies the same logic, the lower internal id will be applied first and the highest last. The logic for applying the rules is that the rules will enhance each other but won’t clear values. For example, if rule one sets a location and department and the second rule sets only a department then the location will be holding the value from rule one.
Text matching criteria field
In this dropdown field, the user can select the matching criteria on how the transaction line defaulting rule should match the value set in the field “Text/Item to match”. The dropdown provides 4 options:
- Equal to: The value on the transaction line from the inbound invoice must be fully equal to the value in the field “Text/Item to match”.
- Contains: The value on the transaction line from the inbound invoice must contain the value in the field “Text/Item to match”.
- Starts with: The value on the transaction line from the inbound invoice must start with the value in the field “Text/Item to match”.
- Ends with: The value on the transaction line from the inbound invoice must end with the value in the field “Text/Item to match”.
- Apply to all lines: When selected, the rule will be applied to all vendor bills/credits for a particular vendor/subsidiary. “Text Item to Match” field will not be mandatory anymore, therefore default values can be applied to all lines instead of lines matching the description only.
Text/Item to match
In this field, the user can set the text or item the transaction line default rule should match. If this value is found on the transaction line from the inbound invoice the system will execute the further logic of the default transaction line rule. The value entered can be a single value or a combination of words. The matching algorithm is not case sensitive, so it's allowed to enter the text with or without capitalization.
Inactive field
When this field is enabled the rule will not be triggered and ignored by the transaction line defaulting logic.
Vendor settings
In the vendor settings section, the user can define on which vendor(s) and subsidiary the transaction default line should work
Vendor field
Select here on which vendor(s) the rule should be triggered. A multi-selection can be made here by holding down your CTRL-key (windows) or CMD-key (MAC) and then clicking the options you would like to activate. When the checkbox “Apply to all vendors” is enabled this field will be grayed out and cleared.
Apply to all vendors
When this checkbox is enabled the rule will be deployed to all the vendors that are present in the NetSuite. Checking the checkbox will disable the selection option in the “Vendor” field and will also clear any made selections.
Subsidiary field
Select here in which subsidiary or subsidiaries the rule is active. A multi-selection can be made here by holding down your CTRL-key (windows) or CMD-key (MAC) and then clicking the options you would like to activate. When the checkbox “Apply to all subsidiaries” is enabled this field will be grayed out and cleared.
Apply to all subsidiaries field
When this checkbox is enabled the rule will be deployed to all subsidiaries that are present in NetSuite. Checking this checkbox will disable the selection field “Subsidiary” and clear any made selections.
Value Selection
In this section, the user can set the values that the transaction line defaulting rule should set if all criteria parameters are met. It's not mandatory to set a value for an account or item. When no value is set the system will populate the vendor bill transaction line with the default logic and only extend the line with the segments or additional values. The transaction line defaulting logic allows having multiple rules that can set expense lines and item lines on the same vendor bill.
Account field
Select here if wanted an account that should be set on the vendor bill transaction line. This will generate automatically an expense line. Make sure that the selected account is applicable for the settings defined in the section “Vendor settings”. If an account is chosen that is not applicable then the user will experience an error while processing the vendor bill.
Item field
Select here if wanted an item that should be set on the vendor bill transaction line. This will generate automatically an item line. Make sure the selected item is applicable for the settings defined in the section “Vendor settings”. If an item is chosen that is not applicable then the user will experience an error while processing the vendor bill.
Department/Location/Class fields
Select in these dropdowns potential values that should be set on the vendor bill transaction line. Make sure that the selected values are applicable for the settings defined in the section “Vendor settings”. If a selection is chosen that is not applicable the user will experience an error while processing the vendor bill.
Tax Code field
Select a Tax Code that should be set on the vendor bill transaction line.
Extending with custom fields and segments
The transaction line defaulting allow the user to extend the fields the system can set with any kind of custom column field that is present on the vendor bill transactions line. When the transaction line default rule is created (saved) an additional section will appear at the bottom of the screen. In this section, the user can create additional fields and segments that should default to a particular value. To create a new additional value setup press the button labeled “New Scan & Capture Additional Value”.
On the page that opens the user first has to select the custom column field or segment that should hold a default value. This can be done in the field labeled “Field”. The dropdown will only show custom columns fields and segments available in your NetSuite environment.
After selecting the correct custom column field or segment the checkbox labeled “Set Value” will become active. When this checkbox is checked a popup will appear that will allow the user to set the default value. Based on the custom column type the field shown in the popup could be a dropdown that allows selecting a value or it could be a regular text field. After selecting or entering the default value submit the popup by pressing the blue button labeled “Set” to transfer the data automatically to the Scan & Capture Additional Value configuration.
The value field will now hold the selected value and you can store the configuration.
Applying Scan & Capture Additional value to multiple Transaction line defaulting rules
When a Scan & Capture Additional Value setup has been created and stored the user has the ability to deploy the newly created entry to multiple Scan & Capture Transaction Line Defaulting configurations. To do this the user needs to edit the Scan & Capture Additional Value configuration. The field labeled “Parent” will now be a multiple select field where multiple selections can be made. A multi-selection can be made here by holding down your CTRL-key (windows) or CMD-key (MAC) and then clicking the options you would like to activate.