This page explains all features included in the new enhanced version of Manual Upload of Bills to Process introduced in 2.2.0 version.
- Introduction
- Navigation
- Permissions
- Manual Upload with OCR Scanning
- Manual Upload without OCR Scanning
- Known limitations
- User Preferences
Version 2.2.0 of ZoneCapture bundle introduced a new enhanced version of the manual upload of PDFs to directly create bills to process. The functionality contains the following options:
- upload multiple PDF files at once via drag&drop zone
- preselect subsidiary/vendor
- immediately send files for OCR scanning
- skip OCR scanning if needed (option to only attach PDF file to bill to process record and process data manually)
To manually upload bill to process navigate to the following menu path:
- Transactions > ZoneCapture > Manually Upload Bill to Process (when Classic Centre is used for your role)
- Financial > ZoneCapture > Manually Upload Bill to Process (when Accounting Centre is used for your role)
By default only the Administrator role has permission to access Manual upload page.
You may want to allow users with other roles to upload the bills manually. In order to do that, you need to include this role in the Audience of the deployment of the script
If the custom role is not included in the Audience, the user will get the following error:
To add the privileges for the custom role in question, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to Customisation > Scripting > Scripts
- Sort the list of the scripts by Name and locate "FF SC SL Instant Process UI" and click View on the line.
- Navigate to the Deployments subtab and click on the title of the deployment.
- Edit the Script Deployment and add the desired role in the Audience subtab and save the changes.
Manual Upload with OCR Scanning
Manual Upload with OCR scanning provides an option to load PDFs manually that will be immediately sent to the scanning station. This option is a faster alternative to sending PDFs via email. After clicking PROCESS files will be immediately sent to OCR station and recognition results will be provided as soon as possible.
- Load PDF files that you want to process.
- Preselect Subsidiary/Vendor if applicable.
- Click PROCESS button.
Selected subsidiary and vendor will be applied to all loaded documents. It is not mandatory to select subsidiary/vendor, however selection of the subsidiary is highly recommended. If subsidiary/vendor is not preselected, then the standard matching will take place with the same rules as if it was sent via email plugin.
Available subsidiaries in the dropdown follows users permissions.
After clicking PROCESS button loaded files will be sent to the OCR station as soon as possible. The progress bar under the file name will indicate in which state the processing is - from scanning to retrieving document results. Depending on the number of loaded documents the processing might take from a couple of seconds to few minutes.
While waiting for the bill to process to be created the user has 2 options:
- stay in the browser window until the documents are ready for processing
- close the browser window
Documents will be available in the Incoming transactions to be processed for processing when scanning is completed. Documents will be marked as origin equal to PDF Capture with Manual Upload.
Manual Upload without OCR Scanning
Manual Upload has the option to skip OCR scanning for loaded files. It might be used when the loaded file has hundreds of pages that you do not want to scan or PDF quality is very poor, so it’s more reliable to create a bill fully manually.
- Mark the checkbox Skip OCR Scanning.
- Load PDF files that you want to process
- Preselect Subsidiary/Vendor if applicable
- Click PROCESS button.
As the result, the bill to process record will be created based on every loaded file with an origin equal to Manual Upload. Files are not being sent for scanning to OCR station, therefore there are no recognition results and there is no data prepopulated during the creation on the vendor bill. The user needs to populate all details manually.
Known limitations
When using the functionality, please keep in mind the following limitations:
Only PDF files are supported.
If the user tries to load a different file type (e.g. XML file), the notification message will be displayed immediately. Invalid file types will not be processed further.
The maximum file size is 10 MB.
If the user tries to load a file bigger than 10MB, the notification message will be displayed immediately. Too big files will not be processed further.
You can upload max 20 PDF files.
If the user tries to load more than 20 files, the notification message will be displayed immediately. Excessive files will not be processed further. Only first 20 files will be processed.
User Preferences
There is a configuration option included in the application for the use case when only one document is being processed via manual upload.
When the processing of a single document is finished, the user can be redirected either to the list of all Incoming transactions to be processed or to processing of the loaded document (bill to process record in edit mode). To change the setting navigate to Home > Set Preferences > Custom Preferences > Section: ZoneCapture.
When the checkbox SHOW LIST WHEN ONLY ONE RESULT is marked, then the list of Incoming transactions to be processed will be shown after scanning one document. When the checkbox is not marked, then the created bill to process record in edit mode will be displayed.
In case multiple PDFs are loaded for processing, then the user will always be redirected to the Incoming transactions to be processed. Created bill to process records will be available there for further processing.