General Information
Release 2.4.1 has been released on the 21st of July and contains a few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Bug Fixes
SC-2240 Enhanced UI for Incoming: sorting and filtering based on PO status
When using a custom saved search for Incoming transactions to be processed with the Purchase Order status column (native NetSuite field) added, there was an issue with sorting based on this field and filtering based on this field. The issue is fixed now and the user can filter out specific PO statuses and sort based on the PO statuses column.
SC-2246 Enhanced UI: Incorrect filter type for transaction date in Processed this month
When the date format used in the NetSuite account is set to the one using dots as a separator (e.g. DD.MM.YYYY), there was an issue with filtering based on Transaction Date in the section Processed this Month when the new enhanced UI was used. The issue is fixed, and filtering is compatible with this date format.
SC-2258 Enhanced UI for Incoming: Filtering does work for the Author field
When using a custom saved search for Incoming transactions to be processed with the Messages: Author column added, there was an issue with filtering certain emails. The issue is fixed now and filtering based on the author of the email is working correctly.
SC-2315 Captured Due Date is not populated on the vendor bill
Auto population of captured due date on the vendor bill when payment terms are not set on the vendor record did not work correctly. The issue is fixed now and captured due is set correctly following our standard logic (populating only if this preference is enabled and when there are no payment terms set on the vendor record).
SC-2329 Enhanced UI for Incoming: Filtering of Dates does not work correctly
There was an issue with filtering dates using the new enhanced UI for Incoming transactions to be processed and it did not work correctly in all scenarios. The issue is fixed now and the user can filter out transactions based on any date visible in UI.
SC-2330 Adjust memo field in Bill to Process page
When Bill to process record was in edit mode, then there was an issue with the memo field moving to the right-hand side of the page, in case the connected purchase orders were not ready to be processed. This display glitch is fixed now and the memo field is aligned to the left side of the section.
SC-2331 Enhanced UI: Error when the bill to process is connected to >180 purchase orders
The new enhanced UI for incoming transactions to be processed was not loading correctly when the bill to process record was connected to more than 180 purchase orders. The issue is fixed now and connecting so many POs is not causing an unexpected error in UI anymore.
SC-2335 Rename of the subtab on the vendor record from Scan&Capture to ZoneCapture
As a part of rebranding Fast Four Scan&Capture into ZoneCapture, the subtab on the vendor record has been renamed from Scan&Capture to ZoneCapture. Please note that when using the custom form for the vendor record, this change will not be visible. The user can rename the subtab manually however this is not affecting any functionality of the ZoneCapture application.
SC-2394 Adjust filtering on the field with the list of default items used in the ZoneCapture setup
The default items list that ZoneCapture provides on the vendor record, ZoneCapture Subsidiary setup, and ZoneCapture Main Configuration has been adjusted to eliminate not valid records. An additional filter on the field definition has been introduced to provide the list of items that native NetSuite actually allows to select on the vendor bill lines.
SC-2411 3-Way Matching: Introduce blue highlighting in the pop-up
3 Way Matching feature introduced in the 2.4.0 version has been enhanced with a new color of highlighting in the pop-up so that the user is guided in a better way. If the blue highlighting is visible in the popup (for quantity, rate, or amount), it means that there is no difference between purchase order line data and vendor bill line data, but the originally captured value is different. In this case, the user might check if any adjustments are needed because the vendor bill line that they are trying to save is not in line with captured data from the PDF.
SC-2416 Adjust links to the knowledge base and support
As a part of rebranding Fast Four Scan&Capture into ZoneCapture, hyperlinks pointing to Knowledge Base and Support Form have been redirected from the Fast Four website to the Zone&Co website. Menu items in NetSuite related to ZoneCapture also have been renamed from Scan&Capture to ZoneCapture.
SC-2422 Enhanced UI for Incoming: Filtering based on Invoice Amount does not work correctly
In certain scenarios, there was an issue with filtering based on captured invoice amount when using the new enhanced UI for Incoming transactions to be processed. The issue is fixed now, and the user can correctly filter out transactions based on captured invoice amount.