General Information
Version 2.10.1 was released on the 26th of March and contains one bug fix and one extention for available e-invoicing endpoint schemes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
General Maintenance for E-invoicing schemes
One additional option has been added to the list of available endpoint schemes to be chosen:
Finnish OVT Code --> represents PEPPOL prefix = 0216, PEPPOL scheme = FI:OVT2
In case you have Finnish customers registered in PEPPOL network with prefix 0216, you can now use Endpoint scheme called Finnish OVT Code to deliver e-invoices to them.
Bug Fixes
SC-2965 Purchase Orders dropdown not showing results if more than 5000 records
NetSuite accounts with ZoneCapture version 2.9.x or 2.10.0 were affected by the issue with Purchase Order dropdown visible on Bill to Process page that contains open POs for the particular vendor. In case there are more than 5000 open purchase orders on the account, not all available POs were visible in the dropdown preventing end users from manual selection of purchase order. The issue has been fixed and now the number of open POs is not affecting their availability in ZoneCapture Purchase Order dropdown anymore.