General Information
Version 2.10.3 was released on the 16th of April and contains few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
ZCVP-182 Request record support
The Request record is a new feature that allows the company to request additional documents from their vendors and profile updates as required. After a vendor updates their profile details, updates are synchronized with NetSuite upon approval. While profile updates sync with NetSuite, documents remain excluded from this synchronization process.
ZCVP-505 Pending Requests Dashboard
A new dashboard of requests has been introduced consolidating a summary of 'Pending to Review' requests from both parties.
The new dashboard is available on both sides - the customer and the vendor side.
ZCVP-523 Vendor Portal access link inside ZoneCapture’s menu
Users now have access to the Vendor Portal via a newly added menu option within NetSuite.
Bug Fixes
SC-2958 Transaction Line Default - tax rate not sourced from the tax code definition
When using ZoneCapture Transaction Line Default rules to populate certain tax code on vendor bill lines - the tax code was populated, but corresponding tax rate(s) was not reflected correctly on the lines. The issue is fixed now and when the rule populated the tax code, that also triggers correct population of tax code(s) on the vendor bill line.
SC-2977 Subsidiary matching - improvement for matching based on name/tax number
For PDFs where GenAI Vendor/Subsidiary Matching feature can be applied - in the scenario when the multi-subsidiary vendor is matched based on the exact match and the subsidiary also can be matched based on the exact match of the name or tax number, GenAI logic is not applied anymore, resulting in faster processing of OCR recognition results.
SC-2985 License not active if the start date is today
When ZoneCapture license start date is equal to a current date, ZoneCapture was not available to be used by end users. The issue is fixed and ZoneCapture can be used from the first day of the active license instead of the second day only.
SC-3008 Transaction Line Default rules with setting "Apply to all lines" causes issues
ZoneCapture Transaction Line Default rules with the setting "Apply to all lines" in the field Text Matching Criteria were causing unexpected behaviour during creation of bill to process records in ZC version 2.10. resulting in. missing recognition results. The issue is fixed now and these rules are applied correctly on vendor bill lines not blocking the flow of parsing OCR results.