General Information
Version 2.11.3 was released on the 25th of June and contains two bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
Bug Fixes
SC-3134 Trained Field Mappings from the vendor bill are overwritten by mappings vendor credit
When the clickable PDF is used for a particular field, the autolearning is applied for this field when creating the next vendor bill for the same subsidiary, vendor, transaction type and PO/non-PO related transaction. Trained Field Mappings should be unique per field and per transaction type in the context of one vendor, but because of the issue, they were not unique per transaction type (meaning a mapping created based on vendor bill was overwritten by mappings created on vendor credit and vice versa). The issue has been fixed and field mappings are unique per field per transaction type.
SC-3173 Invalid tax code message when using 3-Way Matching
The error has been identified in version 2.11.1 for the scenario when 3-way matching is enabled and the purchase order for the multi-subsidiary vendor and the subsidiary different than primary subsidiary of the vendor is billed. In this particular scenario the end user experienced an error message during processing the vendor bill: "You have entered an Invalid Field Value xxx for the following field: taxcode". The issue has been fixed now.