To access the Vendor Portal, simply visit, input your email, password and then click on "Log me in" to proceed. The system will take you to the Dashboard. The Dashboard displays two different portlets, named:
- Pending Requests and
- Pending Vendors
Pending Requests Dashboard
The Portlet of 'Pending Requests' holds a list of Requests with following statuses:
- Pending and
- To review
Pending requests are requests submit to Vendors, and awaiting Vendor's action. The requests with status 'To review' are requests completed and submit from Vendor's end. They await user's action to approve or reject master data updates.
Apart of the status, the Portlet's list can further be filtered per Vendor and the list can also be expanded using the page navigator of the bottom right hand side of the Portlet:
To access the full list of 'Requets', use the 'See All Requests' button of the Portlet or simply click 'Requests' on the left hand side of the Vendor Portal menu:
The full list of 'Requests', holds a history of previously submit Requests and can be filtered by Vendor, Status or Title:
Pending Vendors Dashboard
The Portlet of 'Pending Vendors', hosts a list of active vendors currently holding one of the following statuses:
- Pending Onboarding
- Draft Pending Approval
- Onboarded Vendor to Review
Select a status to filter the results of the Portlet. To navigate to the list of all Vendors, use the 'See All Vendors' button of the Portlet or access the list using the 'Vendors' menu on the left hand side.
Vendor management
Existing Vendor records
With the established integration, the Vendor Portal by default will sync all Vendors to the Vendor Portal. All existing Vendors will hold the status "Ready to invite".
Results can be narrowed down using the "Status", "Category" filters and the "Find vendor" search bar.
The results inside the list can be refined using the page refinement at the right bottom list: