ZoneCapture offers various settings and preferences allowing to customize your ZoneCapture experience according to your individual needs. By customizing these preferences, you can tailor ZoneCapture to better fit your way of working and enhance your document viewing experience. At the same time you do not affect other users, as preferences are tight to your login only.
All preferences can be found in the section Home > Set Preferences > Custom Preferences.
User Preferences
Show List When Only One Result
Mark this checkbox to return the Incoming Transactions to Be Processed list when there is only one PDF loaded via Instant Upload functionality. If the checkbox is not marked, then ZoneCapture directly opens the transaction in edit mode.
PDF Screen Size Percentage
Modify this field to set the percentage of the screen occupied by the PDF viewer. This applies to the Bill To Process and the Vendor creation page. The minimum width allowed is 25%, while the maximum width is 40%.
Leaving this field empty will default the percentage to 40%.
Example when the preference is set to 40%
Example when the preference is set to 25%
Disable Split Screen Functionality for Showing PDF
By default PDF is shown on the left hand side of bill to process screen when processing bills via ZoneCapture. Mark this checkbox if you do not want to show a split-screen with the PDF on the left side of the screen. The change will affect the following records: Bill to Process, created Vendor Bills/Credits, and Create Vendor screen when created directly from a Bill To Process record.
Show Subsidiary without Hierarchy
Mark this checkbox to display subsidiary name without hierarchy in ZoneCapture Bill to Process screen and ZoneCapture Upload Manually Bill to Process screen.
If the checkbox is not marked, then ZoneCapture by default will show subsidiary name with hierarchy.
Example when the checkbox is not marked:
Example when the checkbox is marked: