General Information
Version 2.12.0 was released on the 5th of August and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-2896 Add Currency field to Bill to Process record
End Users can customize saved search under the ZoneCapture portlet to add more information in the Incoming Transactions to processed list. The new field has been added to Bill to Process record: Currency so that it's now possible to easily add captured currency field to the incoming transactions to be processed.
SC-3089 Improvement for manual upload screen in case of long waiting time for OCR results
The additional notification bar has been implemented in the Manual Upload page. When scanning few PDFs at once with a lot of pages each, it might take few minutes to get scanning results back. To not keep end user on the manual upload page for too long a notification bar has been added. If scanning takes more then 3 minutes, end user will be automatically redirected to the Incoming transactions to be processed page and scanned documents will pop up directly there when captured results are fetched from OCR provider.
SC-3091 Improve performance of Duplicates Detection script
The map/reduce script responsible for analyzing existing not processed Incoming transactions to identify new potential duplicates was running for very long time in case of hundreds not processed incoming transactions. The performance of the script FF SC MR Update Duplicate Detection is now improved by ~50-70%.
SC-3130 Add option to enable pre-processing of data via GenAI per vendor
ZC GenAI Field for List/Record field types allows to set advanced configuration (Pre-processing of data) to add additional context for GenAI. So far this context could be set per custom field, therefore the same context needed to be used for all PDFs. An enhacement has been introduced to allow more flexible setup. Pre-processing of List/Record fields an be now enabled on the vendor level so that different context can be set per vendor to assure better results adjusted to the content of the specific layout. ZC GenAI Vendor Field Mapping allows now to set specific GenAI Field Context per vendor per field.
SC-3131 Improve vendors matching based on tax registration number
Vendors matching algorithm based on captured tax registration number has been improved. It's common use case that captured tax registration number includes special characters like (.) or (-), while in NetSuite vendor master data does not contain these characters, or the other way around. To improve matching, now special characters are removed from both - captured tax registration number and vendor master data to ensure that pure tax registration number is compared, what gived more reliable matching results.
SC-3137 Option to define AI threshold score per field per vendor
ZoneCapture GenAI Field Population feature allows to set advanced configuration for List/Record fields - threshold for similarity score. The application has a default value defined that works for majority of cases, but for more complex scenarios threshold can be increased or decreased to assure better results for fields autopopulated by GenAI. So far threshold could be set for all fields globally. The enhancement has been introduced to allow setting different threshold per field per vendor. The higher the value, the more confident GenAI needs to be to be able to autopopluate List/Record field with the selected value. No changes are required for standard setup, as default value will apply as usual.
SC-3149 Support Form link - automatically pre-fill the form
End users can contact Zone&Co Support Team directly from NetSuite via menu path Transactions (Financial)> ZoneCapture> Customer Support. The additional logic has been added to pre-fill basic information when opening the support form. User's name, surname, email, role, company name and product name are now populated automatically to decrease the time needed to submit a case.
SC-3157 Improvements on Bill to Process page to better serve accounts with high volume of open purchase orders
The logic for pulling data on the Bill to Process page into dropdowns for subsidiaries, vendors and purchase orders has been improved to better accommodate for high volume data. The end user will notice a small change in the behavior when opening bill to process record and the vendor needs to be changed manually in the dropdown - that will trigger quick reload of the screen. This behaviour is expected, as in the end it leads to better performance of loading high volume data into dropdowns.
SC-3171 Enhanced UI - support for inline editing of free-form text custom fields
To further improve flexibility of enhanced UI for Incoming Transactions to Be Processed, inline editing function now also support custom free-form text fields added on Bill to Process record.
In case Memo field visible by default in the Incoming transactions to be processed is not sufficient for making additional notes on the bill to process record, users can create more free-form text fields on the Bill to Process record.
When the new field is created, it can be added as an additional column in the Incoming overview.
To enable Inline Editing for this particular field, navigate to Setup> ZoneCapture Setup> ZoneCapture Main Configuration.
Free-form Text custom fields additionally created on Bill to Process record will be available here for selection. Select fields that should be available for inline editing.
After saving changes, navigate back to the Incoming Transactions to Be Processed.
In our example Test Field is now inline editable - by double clicking on the field you can populate a value.
SC-3198/SC-3199 Show badges with counter of files in progress in the Incoming Transactions to be Processed
To further improve user experience and make sure that end users are fully aware of status of the files waiting in the queue for processing, new counters has been implemented in the Incoming Transactions to be Processed overview.
Two badges will be visible on accounts upgraded to 2.12.0 version:
- Documents in Scanning Stage --> blue counter indicates the number of files that are currently waiting for scanning, therefore they are not yet visible in the Incoming Transactions to Be Processed list. If the counter is greater then 0, it means that there are PDF files that have been received by ZoneCapture either via email or via manual upload and currently the system is busy with retrieving recognition results from OCR station. The detailed list of documents in status Data Received can be always checked in ZoneCapture Audit Report. As soon as scanning is completed, the counter will decrease and transactions will become available for processing.
- Documents in Matching Stage --> blue counter indicated the number of files that are already scanned, but the subsidiary/vendor matching algorithm is still in progress, therefore they are not yet available for processing in the Incoming Transactions to Be Processed. The detailed list of documents in status Matching in Progress can be always checked in ZoneCapture Audit Report. As soon as matching algorithm is completed, the counter will decrease and transactions will become available for processing.
Bug Fixes
SC-2234 Negative amounts are not respected on scanned Vendor Credit
The scenario with vendor credit that contains multiple lines (some of them has positive values, some of them negative, but the total amount is positive) has been improved, so that the negative sign on vendor credits is not flipped anymore if the total captured amount is positive. With this change results populated on the vendor credit lines in NetSuite are correct for this particular scenario.
SC-2756 Rejected Purchase Orders are loaded on the vendor bills
If the incoming transaction is matched with a purchase order, it can happen that the purchase order is rejected in the meantime before the transaction is processed. In this case, the purchase order stays linked on the incoming transaction, but ZoneCapture was showing it as available for billing on the bill to process page. The logic has been improved and the user now cannot click Save&Process before disconnecting rejected purchase order.
SC-2865 3-Way Matching should allow negative rate in the pop-up
It is a valid scenario that some purchase order related items might have negative rate. It is now possible to set negative rate in 3-Way Matching pop-up, as the validation on positive rate has been removed to allow more flexible setup.
SC-2885 3-Way Matching should support purchase orders with Item Group
Purchase Orders can be created with a special item type: Group and End of Group. This item type when present in the purchase order was causing an issue during submitting 3-Way Matching pop-up. The logic has been improved now to fully support this item type so that it's not causing issues in the pop-up anymore.
SC-3003 Autoprocessing is failing due to standard mandatory fields on the vendor bill form
The transaction can be autoprocessed by ZoneCapture if the scanning results are correct and all mandatory fields are pre-populated. The issue occurred for mandatory standard NetSuite fields, as even if they were populated by custom workflow, autoprocessing was still failing. The logic has been improved to allow autoprocessing in this case.
SC-3143 Unexpected Error in "S&C FF Transaction UE"
Unexpected Error has been identified in the script S&C FF Transaction UE on certain accounts during saving vendor bill. When execution of this particular script lasted too long and at the same time another process was updating bill to process record, the record coudn't be correctly transitioned to Transaction Created status. The additional protection has been implemented on our side to avoid this scenario and allow correct saving of the vendor bill.
SC-3145 3-Way Matching: duplicated expense lines on every submit of the pop-up
It is possible to add standalone captured expense line via 3-Way Matching pop-up to the purchase order related vendor bill. The issue has been identified when the end user submits the pop-up multiple times. The expense line was added on every submit of the pop-up creating duplicated lines. The issue has been fixed and duplicated lines are not created anymore.
SC-3148 ZC GenAI Get Embeddings MR > SSS_SEARCH_ERROR_OCCURRED in case the list/record is deleted
The issue has been identified when List/Record associated with the GenAI Field is deleted. The script responsible for generating vectors was causing an issue when the list associated with GenAI Field has been deleted. The logic has been improved so that the deletion of associated list does not cause issues anymore.
SC-3187 Custom column with employee does not show full value in the Incoming Transactions
Custom field with employee name can be shown in the Incoming Transactions to be processed as an additional column. In case general preferences of NetSuite are set to Use Last Name first for Employees, ZoneCapture was showing only the first name of the employee. The logic has been improved now to show both first and last name in the Incoming overview.
SC-3207 Clickable PDF is not working for certain PDFs
In the scenario when OCR captured a table, but didn't provide values for any cells in the table, clickable PDF feature for this file did no work in NetSuite. The logic has been improved to make sure that faulty captured empty tables does not cause any issues in NetSuite with clickable PDF.