The 'Requests' are a separate record within the Vendor Portal housing communication raised from both parties: the Vendor Portal owners and the Vendors themselves.
Users (Vendor Portal owners) can raise a 'Request' towards a specific Vendor for the purpose to request a document, data update, data verification or similar. Vendors on the other side can not raise a Request towards their customers, but Requests will always be automatically raised once a record is updated.
Raising a request (Vendor Portal owner side)
A user can raise a request to a certain Vendor by navigating to 'Requests' of the left hand side menu, and then use the button 'New Request':
On button click, the follow popup window will be displayed:
Select the 'Vendor' of the Vendor drop down, then the 'Type' of request must be fulfilled too. Once selected, add a 'Title' and a small 'Description' that will shortly explain the request. Adding an attachment is optional.
Once completed, then just click the button 'Send request'. The following notification will be displayed if the Request is sent successfully:
On the side of the Vendor, a new notification will be displayed and the Request will be available in the dashboard of 'Pending Requests':
Click 'Open' to view the Request:
From here, Vendors can proceed and act upon the received Request. Use the 'Attachment' to enclose a document or simply comment the request under the 'Comments' section:
Once completed, the request can be submit.
Once submit, the status will be converted to 'Pending review', therefore the change must be reviewed from the Vendor Portal owner side. On the side of the owner, a notification will be received and the request with status 'To review' will be displayed inside the 'Pending Requests' dashboard.
Upon review, users can accept or reject the initiated change submit from the Vendor side:
At this moment, the Vendor Portal does not support sync of documents to NetSuite.
Raising a request (Vendor side)
In the event when a field on the Vendor record will be updated by Vendor's end, an automatic 'Request' will be triggered for the Owner side. This allows owners of the Portal to track changes created by their Vendors.
As an example, if a Vendor is updating their 'Legal information', the system will prompt them with a notification to submit their changes for approval. Unless the changes are approved by the Owner (their customer), changes will not be synced to NetSuite.
Upon submission, the new request will be available on the Portlet of 'Pending requests':
and as a notification:
Upon approval, updated details will be instantly synced to NetSuite, while rejected requests will be reverted as a notification to the initial Vendor, from which the request has been submit from.
Users can select their preferred option of receiving notifications, which at this moment are available 'In App' and via 'Email':