General Information
Version 2.11.0 was released on the 24th of May and contains major enhancements and several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-808 Preference to change subsidiary listing on ZoneCapture dropdowns
The new user preference has been introduced that allows to change the listing of subsidiaries in the dropdown available on Manual Upload page and Bill to Process page. User can now decide if the subsidiary names shown on these pages should be displayed with our without hierarchy. By default names are shown with hierarchy. To change the setting navigate to Home > Set Preferences > Custom Preferences > ZoneCapture section > Show Subsidiary Without Hierarchy checkbox
SC-2401 Handling for captured additional cost in 3-Way Matching popup
Captured additional charges that are not part of actual lines on the PDF (e.g. Shipping Charges or Roundings) are added automatically as lines on standalone vendor bills, but where not visible in 3-Way Matching popup. The logic has been improved and these charges are now visible in the popup as captured not matched lines and can be easily added to vendor bills connected to purchase orders as lines.
SC-2892 Default subsidiary to primary subsidiary when the match is not found
In case GenAI is responsible for matching a subsidiary and vendor and we're working with mulitsubsidiary vendors, the additional logic has been introduced. In case the multisubsidiary vendor has been identified as a match, but subsidiary cannot be matched based on captured data, then ZoneCapture will set primary subsidiary of the vendor on the bill to process record. With this enhanced logic we make sure there are no bill to process records without subsidiary assigned, as these records are not visible for end users with roles limited to certain subsidiary only.
SC-2914 Rename bundles roles from Fast Four Scan&Capture to ZoneCapture User
The model role has been renamed to reflect our current SuiteApp name.
SC-2957 Support for Preview Tax button on SuiteTax accounts
When creating vendor bills via ZoneCapture on SuiteTax accounts, the NetSuite button Preview Tax visible on the vendor bill in edit mode was generating error message after clicking it. The support for this button has been introduced so that ZoneCapture can be compatible with this option provided by native NetSuite on SuiteTax accounts.
SC-2978 PO Prefix for matching logic should allow multiple values to be configured
PO Prefix for matching POs that can be defined in ZoneCapture Main configuration allows now to define multiple values comma separated to further improve matching algorithm. In case you use multiple patterns for purchase order numbers in NetSuite and you want to add multiplefixed prefixes to enhance matching, you can now provide multiple values comma separated, e.g. PO,PUR,PUROR.
SC-2988 Enhance 3-Way Matching notifications for receipts if item receipt does not exist
With the feature “Bill in advance of receipt” enabled, in the use case when item receipt has not been created yet at all for purchase order, Receipts column was not visible in 3-Way Matching popup. To improve user experience and bring more attention to missing receipts, the column is now shown with quantity = 0 so that on the first glance is visible that receipts are not existing.
SC-3002 Source email author to Bill to Process Record
The new field has been introduced in the Bill to Process record that stores an email address of the sender of the email based on which the record is created. With this enhancement any custom logic can be built based on the email address of the sender of the PDF. The new field is called "Email Author".
Bug Fixes
SC-2355 Text transformed into a button in memo field
When keywords like Reject or Process are used in memo field in the Incoming transactions to be processed, they were displayed as buttons. The issue has been fixed and the text is now shown correctly.
SC-2539 Missing Vendor column causes Unexpected Error after clicking Process button
The user has an option to customize Incoming Transactions To Be Processed overview by adding/showing columns. An unexpected Error message has been identified if Vendor column is removed from this overview. The issue has been fixed and Vendor column is not mandatory anymore to correctly process transactions.
SC-2821 View permission to Bill to Process record should block using Reject button
Custom roles having only View permissions to Bill to Process records were able to use Reject button available in the Incoming Transaction To Be Processed overview. The issue has been fixed and users with View permissions only are now blocked from using Reject button.
SC-2845 Exclude S&C PO # when copying purchase orders with expenses
Performing action "Make Copy" on purchase orders with expense lines was resulting in copying the reference to the original PO number stored in the column S&C PO#. The issue is fixed and this number is now cleaned on copy action.
SC-2881 GenAI values incorrectly applied if some lines are set as items
The issue was identified for the scenario when multiple lines are captured and some lines are created as expenses, some of them as items. Values generated by GenAI were applied to incorrect lines as the order of expenses lines changed after applying rules responsible to create items. The issue is fixed now and field values generated by GenAI are applied to lines for which they were originally generated.
SC-2976 GenAI Field Population of header fields should work when lines are disabled
For the vendors with the option Disable Line-Level Recognition marked or with Default Vendor Bill Lines created, GenAI is not generating values for lines as custom predefined logic is applied, however GenAI should still run for header level fields, what wasn't happening. The issue is fixed now and header level fields are not supported even if lines are created based on predefined templates.
SC-2990 3-Way Matching popup - highlighting of receipts section is not working correctly
When working in 3-Way Matching popup and manually editing quantities in Bill Lines section, the highlighting of receipts section was not responding dynamically to changes. The issue is fixed now and receipts section is highlighted correctly if differences are identified.
SC-2991 Incorrect date populated for auto-processed transactions
When vendor bill is created automatically via ZoneCapture autoprocessing feature, the transaction date was not populated as per captured date on created vendor bills, but as current date. The issue is fixed now and transaction date (field id = tranid) is now populated based on captured date from the PDF.
SC-3023 Trained Field Mappings for list/record fields does not work if max number of entires in the dropdown is reached
When using clickable PDF for list/record fields, the autolearning logic based on clicking did not work if the field was displayed as a list, not as a dropdown (meaning the maximum entries in dropdown have been exceeded). The logic has been enhanced now to support autopopulation of these fields.
SC-3035 Default Vendor Bill Lines - items/expenses logic does not work correctly
The issue occurred if Default Vendor Bill Lines uses different sublist than settings selected on ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup. In this case the values on the vendor bill lines were not applied as defined in the Default Vendor Bill Lines. The issue is now fixed and the setup from Default Vendor Bill Lines is applied correctly on the vendor bill.
SC-3052 Transaction Line Defaulting - combination of items and expenses does not work
The issue occurred if ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup was set to Use Items instead of expenses, while Transaction Line Defaulting Rule was suppose to create some lines expense lines. In this case the expense lines were not created. The issue is now fixed and this particular setup is working as expected.