General Information
Version 2.11.1 was released on the 5th of June and contains small enhancement and few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-3069 Add parameter for maximum number of pages to be scanned per file
As ZoneCapture OCR provider introduced an option to define a maximum number of pages in the file to be scanned, ZoneCapture setup has been extended with a new parameter. Maximum number of pages per file can be defined on ZoneCapture OCR Station record to prevent excessive scanning of extremely big PDF files has been send to NetSuite. If capturing data from all of these pages is not needed, the limit of pages can be introduced. The parameter is set by default to 50, meaning in case one PDF with e.g. 600 pages has been sent to ZoneCapture, the scanning will automatically stop at 50th page to speed up the processing times and to avoid unnecessary scanning. If you're interested in customizing this value for scanning station created for your NetSuite account, please reach out to us via Customer Support Form.
Bug Fixes
SC-2878 TypeError","message":"TypeError: invokeMember during scanning
For certain PDFs with a lot of lines captured and on the top of that with GenAI enabled on a lot of line-level fields the scanning script was resulting in the error TypeError: invokeMember (hasOwnProperty) what was blocking this PDF from the correct transition into Ready for Processing status. The handling for this error has been added in the script responsible for retrieving OCR results and this error should not occur anymore for newly scanned documents.
SC-2979 Attaching an e-mail to the vendor bill fails due to unexpected error
ZoneCapture offers an option to attach original e-mail message to the created vendor bill. On some NetSuite account this functionality was not working resulting in Unexpected Error recorded in the execution log of the script. The rootcause of the issue has been identified and attaching email to the vendor bill should not result in errors anymore.
SC-3044 Invalid tax code blocks transition of records to Ready For Processing status
Misconfiguration of ZoneCapture Transaction Line Default rules or Default Vendor Bill Lines (assigning not valid tax code for a certain vendor in a certain subsidiary) was resulting in Bill to Process record getting stuck in Matching in Progress status. The additional protection has been introduced on ZoneCapture side so that invalid tax code is then ignored and the record is correctly transitioned into Ready for Processing status with tax code sourced from native NetSuite setup.
SC-3058 Custom Currency blocks bill to process screen from loading correctly
The scenario when purchase orders with a custom currency exists on NetSuite account was resulting in bill to process screen not loading due to an error Invalid currency code. The support for Purchase Orders with custom currencies has been added so that the bill to process page can be opened without issues.
SC-3087 Amount on lines not recalculated automatically when 3-Way Matching data prevail settings are used
The issue has been identified when custom settings were used for quantity or rates inside ZoneCapture 3-Way Matching setup. Setting up quantity or rate as per captured data instead of purchase order data might result in vendor bill line to be not in the balance (meaning the amount visible on the line was not a result of dynamic recalculation of quantity x rate). The issue has been fixed and the amount on the line is now dynamically recalculated to make sure the lines created by ZoneCapture are always in balance. Amount populated by ZoneCapture can be still adjusted manually by the user if needed.
SC-3099 Files with MIME type different then application/pdf cannot be scanned
A MIME type is a standard that indicates the format of a file. PDF files send to OCR provider for scanning are checked against this parameter as only application/pdf is supported. However it might happen that despite this parameter being different, the actual file extension is still .pdf and ZoneCapture wants to support such scenarios as well. An additional handling has been added on ZoneCapture side to support scanning of PDF files with MIME type different then application/pdf, therefore such files will not result in Data Recognition Error status anymore.
SC-3129 Fully billed purchase orders remains in PO dropdown on bill to process record
Accounts with ZoneCapture version 2.11.0 experienced an issue with cleaning purchase orders from the dropdown with available POs that were just billed. The user needed to clear cache in the browser to reflect correctly fully billed purchase orders. The issue is fixed now and POs that were billed recently are immediately updated with the correct status in the dropdown.