General Information
Version 2.11.2 was released on the 20th of June and contains small enhancement and few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the changes introduced in the new version. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.
SC-3001 Populate rate for additionally captured costs when using items
An enhancement had been introduced for captured additional costs (e.g. shipping charges or roundings) when using standalone bills with items. These charges are always created with quantity = 1 and amount equal to captured amount. So far the rate on the created line was empty. The additional logic has been introduced to automatically populate rate equal to captured amount.
SC-318 Option to add automatically standalone line to purchase order related bills
The new option has been introduced on Transaction Line Default Rules. So far these rules were applied only for standalone vendor bills - when the criteria on the captured lines are met, then the rule is applied. The feature remains working on standalone lines unless the newly introduced checkbox will be used.
The new option has been introduced on the rule - a checkbox called Add Standalone Line to Purchase Order Related Bills
The checkbox should be used in the scenario when certain charges are included on the PDF invoice, but they are never included on the purchase order, therefore you always add them on the top of purchase order lines as an additional line.
The example of the use case might be a shipping charge that is not part of purchase order, but it's added on the vendor bill additionally. If you want to automate adding such charges additionally on purchase order related bills, create a rule similar to the example from the print screen. In case captured line contains the word "shipping" and it was not matched against purchase order lines, ZoneCapture will create expense line and allocate it to selected GL account on the rule (or item line and allocate it to the selected item on the rule).
Please note that this feature has been designed to work jointly with our three way matching feature, which also needs to be enabled in your account.
Bug Fixes
SC-3020 Overlapping boxes on the clickable PDF
In certain scenarios in might happen that OCR provider recognizes the same coordinates multiple times as multiple labels points to the same place on the PDF. When that scenario happens and the end user uses clickable PDF on that box, duplicates values were populated on the vendor bill field. The issue has been fixed now by removing overlapping boxes so that clickable PDF can be used correctly.
SC-3132 Duplicates alert not raised on bill to process creation when transitioned from Matching in Progress status
The system alert for duplicates is raised on the bill to process record during population of captured data.
The issue has been identified when the bill to process record flows through Matching in Progress status before it goes to Ready for Processing status. In this scenario the duplicates alert was not raised immediately, but only after the execution of the scheduled script in the background what is not convenient. The flow has been enhanced so that all newly created records now have system alert raised at early stage if the duplicate is found.