Sending E-invoices to German customers requires specific setup that is explained below.
Before you try to send E-invoice to German entity, check if all points mentioned below are configured correctly.
Configuration of the sender (subsidiary)
The sender of the e-invoice is the subsidiary in NetSuite. Once the subsidiary has been setup by our E-invoicing provider inside global E-invoicing network, the following details must be populated on ZoneCapture Subsidiary Setup records/ E-Documents subtab.
Party Endpoint ID: the number that you provided to our implementation consultant for e-invoicing registration. The recommended number is German VAT Number.
Tax ID: VAT number of the subsidiary
Party Endpoint Scheme/ Tax Scheme: type of ID used in fields above.
Contact Name: Contact name on the side of the sender of e-invoice. Mandatory field for German E-invoices.
Contact Phone Number: Phone Number on the side of the sender of e-invoice. Mandatory field for German E-invoices.
Configuration of the recipient (customer)
The recipient of e-invoice is represented by the Customer record in NetSuite.
It needs to be referenced through e-invoicing endpoint Id (unique identifier used in PEPPOL e-invoicing network). You need to obtain this number from your customer or you can search for it directly in PEPPOL network and/or Leitweg-ID search and/or Participants search.
In Germany there are mostly two types of PEPPOL identifiers used:
- German VAT number
- KoSIT (Leitweg-ID)
If your customer is registered in PEPPOL with German VAT number (9930 prefix), example:
Then the following details should be populated on the customer record in NetSuite, ZoneCapture subtab:
If your customer is registered in PEPPOL with KoSIT number (0204 prefix), example:
Then the following default should be populated on the customer record in NetSuite, ZoneCapture subtab:
Do not omit dashes if any are present in official endpoint id!
Configuration of the invoice
On the invoice in NetSuite there is one more additional field to be populated in case your customer has Leitweg-ID.
Leitweg-ID is specified in the standard XInvoice in the field “Buyer Reference” (BT-10 Buyer Reference) and must be transmitted as mandatory information on every e-invoice.
Because of this requirement please populate Leitweg ID on the invoice record in dedicated field E-invoice Buyer Reference that is included in ZoneCapture bundle.
After completing all the setup mentioned above, you are ready to send e-invoice to Germany entity.